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id | EJ000005522 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0921-8831 |
ISSN(online) | 1568-5527 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1999/03/01 until 2008/11/30.) (Available from 1999/03/01 until 2008/11/30.) (Available from 1990 volume: 1 issue: 1.) (Available from 1995.) (Available from 1990 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1994.) |
id | EJ000009649 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1068-8595 |
ISSN(online) | 1879-1557 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1996/07/01 until 1999/06/30.) (Available from 1993 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1994 volume: 2 issue: 2.) (Available from 1993 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1999 volume: 7 issue: 2.) (Available from 1993 until 1994.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000003593 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0099-1333 |
ISSN(online) | 1879-1999 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1975 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2004 volume: 30 issue: 3.) (Available from 1975/03/01 until 2004/05/31.) (Available from 1975 until 2004.) (Available from 1975 until 2004 volume: 30 issue: 3.) (Available from 1993/01/01 volume: 18 issue: 6 until 1994/11/30 volume: 20 issue: 6.) (Available from 1993 volume: 18 issue: 6 until 1994.) |
Subject | Information Technology 、 Library and Information Sciences |
id | EJ000005299 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0890-4065 |
ISSN(online) | 1879-193X |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2007/01/01 volume: 21 issue: 1.) (Available from 1996/06/01 until 2001/12/31.) (Available from 1987/03/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1994/11/30 volume: 8 issue: 3.) (Available from 1987 until 1994.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Health Sciences |
id | EJ000001272 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1057-7408 |
ISSN(online) | 1532-7663 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2007/10/31.) (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2007/10/31.) (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2007/10/31.) (Available from 1992 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2017/10/31 volume: 27 issue: 4.) (Available from 1992 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1994.) (Available from 1992/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1997.) (Available from 1997/01/01 volume: 6 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000007064 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1061-7361 |
ISSN(online) | 1878-5069 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1996/03/01 until 1998/09/30.) (Available from 1992 volume: 15 issue: 1 until 1994 volume: 17 issue: 4.) (Available from 1992 until 1994.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000000785 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1053-5357 |
ISSN(online) | 1879-1239 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1991/03/01 until 2001/12/31.) (Available from 1991/03/01 until 2001/12/31.) (Available from 1991/03/01 volume: 20 issue: 1 until 2014/02/28 volume: 48.) (Available from 1991/03/01 volume: 20 issue: 1 until 2014/02/28 volume: 48.) (Available from 1991 until 1994.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000006077 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1041-6080 |
ISSN(online) | 1873-3425 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1996/09/01 until 2000/09/30.) (Available from 1996/09/01 until 2000/09/30.) (Available from 1989 volume: 1 issue: 1.) (Available from 1995.) (Available from 1989 until 1994.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000009899 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0030-4387 |
ISSN(online) | 1873-5282 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/01/01 until 2001/09/30.) (Available from 1990/01/01 until 2001/09/30.) (Available from 1994/03/01 volume: 38 issue: 2 until 1994/11/30 volume: 38 issue: 4. Available from 1993/12/01 volume: 37 issue: 1 until 1993/11/30 volume: 37 issue: 4.) (Available from 1993 until 1994.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000003057 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0033-3506 |
ISSN(online) | 1476-5616 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2007/01/01 volume: 121 issue: 1.) (Available from 1997/01/01 until 2002/11/30.) (Available from 2017/03/01 volume: 144 until 2017/03/31 volume: 144. Available from 1888/05/01 volume: 1 until 1994/11/30 volume: 108 issue: 6. Available from 2004/10/01 volume: 118 issue: 7 until 2004/10/31 volume: 118 issue: 7.) (Available from 1888 volume: 1 until 1994.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |
id | EJ000006911 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0098-7913 |
ISSN(online) | 1879-095X |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1975/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1994/11/30 volume: 20 issue: 3.) (Available from 1975 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1993.) (Available from 2014 until 2019.) |
Subject | Library and Information Sciences 、 Mathematical Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |