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id | EJ000052623 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2078-5127 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2009 until 2023.) (Available from 2011/06/01.) (Available from 2011/06/01.) |
id | EJ000163563 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(online) | 2366-5017 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2016.) (Available from 2016/01/01.) (Available from 2016/01/01.) (Available from 2016 volume: 33 issue: 1.) (Available from 2016 volume: 33.) |
id | EJ000002484 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0020-7209 |
ISSN(online) | 2050-4578 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2013/04/01.) (Available from 2013/04/01.) (Available from 2006/07/01 until 2011/01/31.) (Available from 2013/04/01.) (Available from 2013/04/01.) (Available from 1997/07/01 volume: 34 issue: 3 until 2014/04/30 volume: 51 issue: 2.) |
Subject | Engineering 、 Information Technology |
id | EJ000052093 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2042-6372 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2010/01/01.) (Available from 2010/01/01.) (Available from 2010 volume: 1.) (Available from 2010 volume: 1.) (Available from 2010 volume: 1.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |
id | EJ000007403 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0957-7572 |
ISSN(online) | 1573-1804 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2003/01/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2003/01/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1990/03/01 volume: 1 issue: 1.) (Available from 1997 until 2024.) (Available from 1990 until 1996.) (Available from 1990 until 1996.) |
Subject | Engineering 、 Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000002564 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0021-9266 |
ISSN(online) | 2157-6009 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/03/01 until 2010/09/30.) (Available from 1996/03/01 until 2010/09/30.) (Available from 1990/03/01 until 2010/09/30.) (Available from 1990/03/01 until 2010/09/30.) (Available from 2011 until 2019.) |
Subject | Life Sciences |
id | EJ000018452 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1499-4046 |
ISSN(online) | 1878-2620 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2007/01/01 volume: 39 issue: 1.) (Available from 2002/01/01 until 2005/11/02.) (Available from 2002/01/01 until 2005/11/02.) (Available from 2002/03/01 volume: 34.) (Available from 2002/03/01.) (Available from 1997/03/01 volume: 29 issue: 2 until 2001/11/30 volume: 33 issue: 6.) (Available from 1997/03/01 volume: 29 issue: 2 until 2001/11/30 volume: 33 issue: 6.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Health Sciences |
id | EJ000001162 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1052-3928 |
ISSN(online) | 1943-5541 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1995/01/01 until 2014/01/31.) (Available from 1995/01/01 until 2014/01/31.) |
Subject | Engineering 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000047506 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1916-7342 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2012/02/01.) (Available from 2012/02/01.) |
id | EJ000004624 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0308-0110 |
ISSN(online) | 1365-2923 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1998/01/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1998/01/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1997.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |
id | EJ000001337 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0142-159X |
ISSN(online) | 1466-187X |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1979/01/01.) (Available from 1979/01/01.) (Available from 1979/01/01.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |
id | EJ000017228 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1560-2214 |
ISSN(online) | 1477-2701 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2000/01/01 until 2007/12/31.) (Available from 2000/01/01 until 2007/12/31.) (Available from 2001.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |
id | EJ000001331 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0140-511X |
ISSN(online) | 1465-3494 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1999/03/01 until 2004/12/31.) (Available from 1999/03/01 until 2004/12/31.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |