Refine My Results
id | EJ000004056 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0190-2946 |
ISSN(online) | 2162-5247 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2002/01/01.) (Available from 2002/01/01.) (Available from 2002/01/01.) (Available from 1979/02/01 volume: 65 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000006291 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1062-4783 |
ISSN(online) | 1945-6182 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1992/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1992/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1992/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1992/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1992/04/01 volume: 26 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1990/01/01 volume: 24 issue: 4. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2009 volume: 43 issue: 1 until 2012 volume: 45 issue: 4.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000001282 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-0184 |
ISSN(online) | 1469-2872 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1999/07/01. Most recent 1 year(s) 6 month(s) not available.) (Available from 1999/07/01. Most recent 1 year(s) 6 month(s) not available.) (Available from 2006 until 2019.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000017629 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0716-4254 |
ISSN(online) | 0718-2201 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2004/12/01.) (Available from 2004/12/01.) |
id | EJ000009984 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0095-182X |
ISSN(online) | 1534-1828 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/01/01.) (Available from 1990/01/01.) (Available from 1990/01/01.) (Available from 1974/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1995/04/01 volume: 19 issue: 2.) (Available from 2000 volume: 24 issue: 3 until 2014 volume: 38 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000035007 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1787-4637 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2008/04/01 until 2023/01/02.) (Available from 2008/04/01.) |
id | EJ000010182 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0379-0940 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990 until 2012.) (Available from 1990/05/01 until 2012/05/31.) (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2012/05/31.) |
Subject | Earth Sciences 、 Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000001419 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0304-6257 |
ISSN(online) | 1875-726X |
Language | German |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2009 volume: 72 issue: 1.) (Available from 2009/12/01 until 2018/01/31.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000017575 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0329-3807 |
ISSN(online) | 1851-4669 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2010.) (Available from 2002/12/01.) (Available from 2002/12/01.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000024701 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1408-032X |
ISSN(online) | 2232-3716 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2007 volume: 13 issue: 1 until 2016 volume: 22 issue: 2.) (Available from 2007/01/01.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000027343 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0967-201X |
ISSN(online) | 1752-2285 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2018.) (Available from 2006/10/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2006/10/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000031311 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1746-0719 |
ISSN(online) | 1746-0727 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2020.) (Available from 2006/09/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2006/09/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000013696 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0185-1373 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2006/01/01 until 2007/01/31.) (Available from 2006/01/01 until 2007/01/31.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000160268 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2448-6418 |
ISSN(online) | 2448-8224 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1961 until 2020.) (Available from 2013/07/01.) (Available from 2013/07/01.) |
id | EJ000017626 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0570-5398 |
ISSN(online) | 1570-0585 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1999/02/01. Most recent 3 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1999/02/01. Most recent 3 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1954/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2021/01/31 volume: 68 issue: 5.) (Available from 1954 until 1995.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000036503 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1882-6865 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2008.) (Available from 2008/04/01.) (Available from 2008/04/01.) (Available from 2008/04/01.) (Available from 2008/01/01 volume: 67 issue: 1 until 2024/01/31 volume: 83 issue: 2.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000004878 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0385-2342 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2000/10/01 until 2007/04/30.) (Available from 2000/10/01 until 2007/04/30.) (Available from 1995/01/01 until 2007/04/30.) (Available from 1963/01/01 volume: 22 until 2007/01/31 volume: 66.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000005102 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0742-5457 |
ISSN(online) | 1527-2109 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher |
(Available from 2001/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.)
(Available from 2001/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.)
(Available from 1984/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.)
(Available from 1984 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1998/04/01 volume: 15 issue: 1. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1999 volume: 16 issue: 2 until 2013 volume: 30 issue: 2.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000013042 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0885-6079 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2004/06/01 until 2013/01/31.) (Available from 2004/06/01 until 2013/01/31.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000002009 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0004-9441 |
ISSN(online) | 2050-5884 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2006/04/01 until 2012/11/30.) (Available from 2006/04/01 until 2012/11/30.) (Available from 2005/04/01 until 2012/11/30.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000002013 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0004-9697 |
ISSN(online) | 1837-6479 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/05/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1990/05/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000009656 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0818-8149 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2007/06/01 until 2014/01/31.) (Available from 2007/06/01 until 2014/01/31.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000012816 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-7650 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2008/03/01.) (Available from 2008/03/01.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000004723 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0360-3709 |
ISSN(online) | 2162-4984 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1994/01/01.) (Available from 1999/01/01.) (Available from 1995/01/01.) (Available from 1972/11/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1995/01/01 volume: 24 issue: 1.) |
id | EJ000012286 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0272-2011 |
ISSN(online) | 1943-9954 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2000/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2000/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2008/07/15. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2000/03/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1993/01/01 volume: 23 issue: 4 until 2012/04/30 volume: 42 issue: 1.) (Available from 2010 until 2019.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000001915 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-0937 |
ISSN(online) | 2162-2892 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1974.) (Available from 1974/12/01.) (Available from 1974/12/01 until 2006/03/31.) (Available from 1990/01/01.) (Available from 1974/12/01.) (Available from 1932/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1996/01/01 volume: 65 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000001955 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-5661 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2005 until 2010.) (Available from 2005/03/01 until 2010/07/31.) (Available from 2004/01/01 until 2009/10/31.) |
id | EJ000001957 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-5769 |
ISSN(online) | 2326-9707 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/01/01.) (Available from 1990/01/01.) (Available from 1995/01/01.) (Available from 1941/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2020/04/30 volume: 78 issue: 1.) (Available from 1941 until 1995.) (Available from 1994/01/01 volume: 52 issue: 1 until 2020/01/31 volume: 78 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |