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id | EJ000005117 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0747-0088 |
ISSN(online) | 2162-7983 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1984.) (Available from 1984/01/01.) (Available from 1984.) (Available from 1984.) (Available from 1984/01/01 volume: 70 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) |
id | EJ000185451 |
Type | Journal |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2017/09/25.) (Available from 2017/09/25.) (Available from 2017/09/25.) (Available from 2017/09/25.) |
id | EJ000030078 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1895-1171 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2005 until 2007.) (Available from 2009/01/01.) (Available from 2009/01/01.) (Available from 2009/01/01.) (Available from 2007 volume: 3 until 2021 volume: 17 issue: 3.) (Available from 2007 volume: 3 until 2021 volume: 17.) |
id | EJ000053594 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1824-5463 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2010/09/01.) (Available from 2010/09/01.) (Available from 2010/09/01.) |
id | EJ000000012 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0001-8899 |
ISSN(online) | 1557-7414 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher |
(Available from 1996/06/10.)
(Available from 1996/06/10 until 2017/09/11.)
(Available from 1997/07/28 until 2017/09/11.)
(Available from 1996/06/10 until 2017/09/11.)
(Available from 1996.) (Available from 2020 until 2020.) (Available from 2014.) |
Subject | Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000010175 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0300-7472 |
ISSN(online) | 2578-8531 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1996/06/01.) (Available from 1996/06/01.) (Available from 1997/01/01.) (Available from 1996/06/01.) (Available from 1997/09/01 volume: 25 issue: 2 until 2018/11/30 volume: 45 issue: 6.) |
id | EJ000008469 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-161X |
ISSN(online) | 2169-8244 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2018/03/31.) (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2018/03/31.) (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2018/03/31.) (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2018/03/31.) (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2018/03/31.) (Available from 1988/01/01 volume: 36 issue: 1 until 2018/03/31 volume: 66 issue: 3.) (Available from 1988/01/01 volume: 36 issue: 1 until 2018/03/31 volume: 66 issue: 3.) (Available from 1994/01/01 until 2018/03/31.) |
id | EJ000013176 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0253-1496 |
ISSN(online) | 0976-0741 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2009/09/01.) (Available from 2009/09/01.) (Available from 2009/09/01.) |
Subject | Agriculture Sciences |
id | EJ000035600 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1938-4572 |
ISSN(online) | 1938-4580 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2010/10/01 until 2015/10/31.) (Available from 2007/01/01 until 2015/10/31.) (Available from 2010/10/01 until 2015/10/31.) |
Subject | Law |
id | EJ000052157 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-371X |
ISSN(online) | 1930-8922 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2010/01/01.) (Available from 1999/01/01.) (Available from 2010/01/01.) |
Subject | Law |
id | EJ000017722 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1044-4130 |
ISSN(online) | 2324-6103 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2009/06/01 until 2014/06/30.) (Available from 1997/01/01 until 2014/06/30.) (Available from 2009/06/01 until 2014/06/30.) |
Subject | Law |
id | EJ000012812 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-4279 |
ISSN(online) | 2162-6812 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2008/04/01.) (Available from 2008/04/01.) (Available from 2008/04/01.) |
Subject | Law |
id | EJ000031347 |
Type | Journal |
Language | French |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2003/02/01 until 2017/03/31.) (Available from 2003/02/01 until 2017/03/31.) (Available from 2003/02/01 until 2017/03/31.) |
id | EJ000001857 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-7812 |
ISSN(online) | 1945-2705 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2000/07/01.) (Available from 2000/07/01.) (Available from 2001/10/01 until 2004/10/31.) (Available from 2000/07/01.) |
Subject | Engineering 、 Chemistry 、 Material Science and Metallurgy |
id | EJ000000394 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0163-4089 |
ISSN(online) | 2163-5897 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2004/11/30.) (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2004/11/30.) (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2004/11/30.) (Available from 1995/01/01 until 2004/11/10.) (Available from 1992/01/01 until 2004/11/30.) (Available from 1987/01/01 volume: 9 issue: 1 until 2004/11/30 volume: 26 issue: 9.) (Available from 1987/01/01 volume: 9 issue: 1 until 2004/11/30 volume: 26 issue: 9.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000008472 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-8541 |
ISSN(online) | 2163-3541 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1994/02/01.) (Available from 1994/02/01.) (Available from 1994/02/01.) (Available from 1994/01/01.) (Available from 1994/02/01.) (Available from 1994/01/01 volume: 100 issue: 1-2.) (Available from 1994/01/01 volume: 100 issue: 1-2.) (Available from 1994/01/01 volume: 100 issue: 1-2.) (Available from 1994/01/01 volume: 100 issue: 1-2.) (Available from 1994/02/01.) |
Subject | Earth Sciences 、 Social Sciences 、 Agriculture Sciences |
id | EJ000024798 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0893-5394 |
ISSN(online) | 1533-7731 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2003/11/01.) (Available from 2003/11/01.) (Available from 2003/11/01.) (Available from 2003/11/01.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Health Sciences |
id | EJ000008264 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1059-0889 |
ISSN(online) | 1558-9137 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher |
(Available from 2000/06/01.)
(Available from 2001/12/01.)
(Available from 2000/06/01.)
(Available from 1998/03/01 volume: 7 issue: 1 until 2009/12/31 volume: 18 issue: 2.)
(Available from 2010/06/01 volume: 19 issue: 1 until 2021/03/31 volume: 30 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Health Sciences |
id | EJ000036845 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1937-9080 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2011/04/01.) (Available from 2011/04/01.) (Available from 2011/04/01.) |
id | EJ000001896 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0002-9564 |
ISSN(online) | 2575-6559 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1975/01/01 until 2016/10/31.) (Available from 1994/01/15 until 2016/10/31.) (Available from 1975/01/01 until 2016/10/31.) (Available from 1994/01/01 volume: 48 issue: 1 until 2016/10/31 volume: 70 issue: 4.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Health Sciences |
id | EJ000010072 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-0945 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1996/11/01. Most recent 3 month(s) not available.) (Available from 1996/01/01. Most recent 3 month(s) not available.) (Available from 1996/11/01. Most recent 3 month(s) not available.) (Available from 1996/11/01. Most recent 3 month(s) not available.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000001916 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-0996 |
ISSN(online) | 1545-2786 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2002/11/01.) (Available from 1995/01/01.) (Available from 2002/11/01.) (Available from 1942/04/01 volume: 30 issue: 2. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1995/11/01 volume: 83 issue: 6.) (Available from 1995/11/01 volume: 83 issue: 6.) (Available from 1995/11/01 volume: 83 issue: 6.) (Available from 1995/11/01 volume: 83 issue: 6.) (Available from 2002/11/01.) |
Subject | Chemistry 、 Earth Sciences 、 Health Sciences 、 Environmental Sciences |