Refine My Results
id | EJ000079019 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0213-6252 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1986/07/01 issue: 1 until 2021/01/31.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000078845 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0001-6373 |
ISSN(online) | 1588-2659 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1966/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1/2 until 2019/01/31 volume: 69 issue: 4.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000012578 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0001-9046 |
ISSN(online) | 1827-7888 |
Language | Italian |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1920/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2021/01/31 volume: 101.) (Available from 1920 until 1995.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000079111 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0304-257X |
Language | French |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1937/06/26 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1962/01/31 volume: 25 issue: 4.) |
id | EJ000079264 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0212-1786 |
Language | Catalan |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1982/04/01 until 1985/04/30 issue: 6.) |
id | EJ000078873 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0001-9747 |
Language | Italian |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1950/03/01 volume: 5 until 2009/07/31 volume: 64.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000187313 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2612-3258 |
ISSN(online) | 2612-6702 |
Language | Italian |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2019/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2022/01/31 volume: 4 issue: 2.) |
id | EJ000070391 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2156-695X |
ISSN(online) | 2156-7263 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2015/04/01.) (Available from 2011/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2014/04/01 volume: 4 issue: 1.) |
id | EJ000079033 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1124-3163 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1987/01/01 issue: 1 until 2010/01/31.) |
id | EJ000013735 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0278-8969 |
ISSN(online) | 2327-9648 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1998/04/15.) (Available from 1982/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1998/04/01 volume: 17 issue: 1 until 2021/04/30 volume: 40 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000025193 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1565-1525 |
ISSN(online) | 1553-3956 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2005/09/01.) (Available from 2001/01/01 issue: 1 until 2021/01/31 volume: 21 issue: 2.) (Available from 2001 volume: 1 until 2013 volume: 13 issue: 2.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000010199 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0883-105X |
ISSN(online) | 2328-3726 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/04/01 until 2004/06/30.) (Available from 1995/04/01 until 2004/06/30.) (Available from 1975/10/01 volume: 14 issue: 1 until 2004/06/30 volume: 42.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000011919 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0026-3079 |
ISSN(online) | 2153-6856 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2004/09/01.) (Available from 1971/04/01 volume: 12 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2012/01/01 volume: 52 issue: 1.) (Available from 2007 volume: 48 issue: 1 until 2013 volume: 52 issue: 4.) |
id | EJ000078937 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0340-2827 |
ISSN(online) | 2625-2155 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1997/01/01 volume: 42 issue: 1 until 2021/01/31 volume: 66 issue: 4.) |
id | EJ000009641 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-2573 |
ISSN(online) | 2182-2999 |
Language | Portuguese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2008 until 2013.) (Available from 2005/04/01.) (Available from 1963/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000079118 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0570-0973 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1936/01/01 volume: 1 until 1990/01/31 volume: 21.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000079109 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0254-4296 |
Language | French |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1980/01/01 volume: 1 until 2009/01/31 volume: 30.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000079531 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0391-4674 |
Language | Italian |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1924/11/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1938/01/31 volume: 13 issue: 2.) |
id | EJ000078760 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-5548 |
ISSN(online) | 2363-7099 |
Language | German |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1924/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000079490 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2169-0588 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1924/01/01 until 1931/01/31.) |
id | EJ000079483 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2167-6208 |
ISSN(online) | 2329-6186 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1924/07/01 until 1945/01/31.) |
id | EJ000079345 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1942-8200 |
ISSN(online) | 1949-2901 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2009/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2017 until 2019.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000079491 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2169-0618 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1925/01/01 until 1940/12/31.) |
id | EJ000187306 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2521-7607 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2016/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) |
id | EJ000078730 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0090-3779 |
ISSN(online) | 2330-2291 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1972/10/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) |
id | EJ000079017 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1083-4753 |
ISSN(online) | 2328-9627 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1993/10/01 volume: 1 issue: 2. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000012822 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0728-4896 |
ISSN(online) | 1834-4453 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2000/07/01. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1981/04/01 volume: 16 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2007 until 2019.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000069585 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-8121 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1966/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1980/12/31 volume: 15.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000078958 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0360-1021 |
ISSN(online) | 2327-9656 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1973/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2021/01/31 volume: 49.) |
id | EJ000079537 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 2194-7449 |
Language | German |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1923/01/01 volume: 1 until 1924/01/31 volume: 2.) |
id | EJ000078927 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0066-6440 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1926/01/01 volume: 3 until 2015/01/31 volume: 53.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000001984 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0004-0843 |
ISSN(online) | 1923-1245 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1948/04/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 2 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1993/03/01 volume: 46 issue: 1. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1993/03/01 volume: 46 issue: 1. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) (Available from 1993/03/01 volume: 46 issue: 1. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Earth Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000010676 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0217-4472 |
ISSN(online) | 1793-2831 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1984/07/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 2012/12/31 volume: 29 issue: 3.) (Available from 1984 until 1996.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000009655 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0210-6124 |
ISSN(online) | 1989-6840 |
Language | Spanish |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1979.) (Available from 2003/06/01.) (Available from 1979/07/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 3 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000079234 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0866-6865 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1990/01/01 volume: 12 issue: 1 until 1994/01/31 volume: 16 issue: 4.) |
Subject | Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000078967 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1322-9214 |
ISSN(online) | 2209-0134 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1992/01/01 volume: 10 until 2022/01/31 volume: 39.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000079509 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 1838-9554 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1983/07/01 volume: 2 issue: 1.) |
id | EJ000079291 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0725-0770 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1980/07/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1982/07/31 volume: 1 issue: 3.) |
id | EJ000078989 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0312-2417 |
ISSN(online) | 2470-0363 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1974/11/01 issue: 1. Most recent 6 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2017 until 2019.) |
Subject | Social Sciences 、 Environmental Sciences 、 Arts and Humanities |
id | EJ000013130 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0148-4184 |
ISSN(online) | 2327-4468 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 2004/06/01.) (Available from 1974/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1/4. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000000573 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0569-4345 |
ISSN(online) | 2328-1235 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1960/05/01 volume: 4 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) |
Subject | Business, Economy and Management |
id | EJ000009986 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0003-1232 |
ISSN(online) | 1936-4784 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1965/11/01 volume: 1 issue: 1. Most recent 4 year(s) not available.) (Available from 2016/03/01 volume: 47 issue: 1 until 2017/12/01 volume: 48 issue: 3. Available from 1987/03/01 volume: 18 issue: 1 until 1996/12/01 volume: 27 issue: 4.) (Available from 1987 until 1996.) |
Subject | Social Sciences |
id | EJ000079218 |
Type | Journal |
ISSN(printed) | 0810-1868 |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | (Available from 1983/01/01 volume: 1 until 1991/01/31 volume: 9.) |
Subject | Arts and Humanities |