查詢結果: 6 篩選 : JCR 主題 POLITICAL SCIENCE \u002D SSCI remove 出版社/平台 SpringerLink Journals \u002D AutoHoldings remove 適用系所 臺文系所 remove
所有 6
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i j p r s
  • 1. International environmental agreements : politics, law and economics.

    0 0 6
  • 2. Public choice.

    0 0 1
  • 3. Studies in comparative international development.

    0 0 0
  • 4. Journal of Chinese political science : official journal of the Association of Chinese Political Studies = Zhongguo zheng zhi xue kan.

    0 0 4
  • 5. Political behavior.

    0 0 3
  • 6. The review of international organizations.

    0 0 0