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查詢結果: 93 篩選 : 主題 地球科學 remove 適用系所 工設系所 remove 適用系所 環工系所 remove
所有 93
10 13 15
A to Z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w
  • 1. Ocean & shoreline management.

    0 0 0
  • 2. Journal of orthoptera research : JOR.

    0 0 9
  • 3. Frontiers in ecology and the environment.

    0 0 0
  • 4. Ecological informatics.

    0 0 0
  • 5. Ambiente & sociedade.

    0 0 5
  • 6. Microchemical journal.

    0 0 0
  • 7. Journal of human evolution.

    0 0 0
  • 8. Geoforum

    0 0 8
  • 9. Power engineering.

    0 0 3
  • 10. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

    0 0 0
  • 11. Journal of plankton research.

    0 0 5
  • 12. Aquacultural engineering

    0 0 5
  • 13. Ambio : a journal of the human environment.

    0 0 2
  • 14. The Cartographic journal.

    0 0 2
  • 15. Plant ecology.

    0 0 0
  • 16. Computational geosciences.

    0 0 3
  • 17. Hydrogeology journal.

    0 0 3
  • 18. Via satellite.

    0 0 2
  • 19. Lethaia.

    0 0 0
  • 20. Marine biology

    0 0 3
  • 21. Power.

    0 0 2
  • 22. Sarsia.

    0 0 0
  • 23. The annals of regional science.

    0 0 1
  • 24. Revista chilena de historia natural.

    0 0 0
  • 25. Coral reefs.

    0 0 0
  • 26. Polar biology.

    0 0 0
  • 27. Journal of quantitative criminology.

    0 0 0
  • 28. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics

    0 0 8
  • 29. Landscape and urban planning

    0 0 43
  • 30. Facies.

    0 0 0
  • 31. Marine ecology.

    0 0 3
  • 32. Biology and fertility of soils

    0 0 1
  • 33. Earth surface processes and landforms.

    0 0 2
  • 34. Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography.

    0 0 0
  • 35. Studies on neotropical fauna and environment.

    0 0 0
  • 36. Soil & tillage research.

    0 0 0
  • 37. Palaios.

    0 0 0
  • 38. Journal of the North American Benthological Society.

    0 0 0
  • 39. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics.

    0 0 4
  • 40. Natural resource modeling.

    0 0 0
  • 41. 海洋科学/#/海洋科學 [[Hai Yang K'O Hsueh]].

    0 0 2
  • 42. 热带气象学报/#/熱帶氣象學報 [[Je Tai Ch'I Hsiang Hsueh Pao]].

    0 0 0
  • 43. 海洋环境科学/#/海洋環境科學 [[Hai Yang Huan Ching K'O Hsueh]].

    0 0 2
  • 44. 极地研究/#/極地研究 [[ji di yan jiu]].

    0 0 0
  • 45. Journal of aquatic food product technology.

    0 0 1
  • 46. Global ecology & biogeography.

    0 0 0
  • 47. Knowledge and information systems : KAIS.

    0 0 8
  • 48. Philosophy & geography.

    0 0 0
  • 49. Fixed point theory and applications.

    0 0 0
  • 50. Atmospheric environment. Part A, General topics.

    0 0 0