電子期刊 進階查詢

查詢結果: 3 篩選 : 出版社/平台 EBSCOhost AAS \u002D Periodicals of the American West 1779\u002D1881 remove 出版社/平台 EBSCOhost AAS \u002D Women\u0027s Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century 1845\u002D1865 remove 資料類型 EJ remove
所有 3
A to Z
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  • 1. Moore's Western Lady's Book: Devoted to Pure Literature, Biography, Science & General Miscellany, for the Interest of the Home Circle

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  • 2. Western Literary Miscellany

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  • 3. The Ladies' Repository, and Gatherings of the West: A Monthly Periodical Devoted to Literature and Religion

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