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id | DB000000570 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext None |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 2000- |
Introduction | ACS Division Proceedings Online features include the most current ACS National Meeting Divisions' Proceedings outlined on the Division's opening page. *Authorization of download full-text is only for our subscribed items, not all items in the database. |
Remark | *Authorization of download full-text is only for our subscribed items, not all items in the database. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
National Academic License; ※Concurrent users : 10
id | DB000000273 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | None Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1993- |
Introduction | An OCLC index of worldwide conference proceedings, Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre.Contains in each record a list of the papers presented at each conference. |
Remark | National Academic License; ※Concurrent users : 10 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
2024/3/1 起可由青島站取得全庫全文。點此連結至青島站
id | DB000000373 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext None |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1999- |
Introduction | 《中國重要會議論文全文資料庫》收錄中國大陸地區各類重要學術、協會和其他學術機構或團體在中國召開的國際性和全國性會議的論文集,包括正式出版物和非正式出版物,收錄年代由1999年至今,全文文獻量約100餘萬篇。內容分為十大專輯:理工A、理工B、理工C、農業、醫藥衛生、文史哲、政治軍事與法律、教育與社會科學綜合、電子技術與信息科學、經濟與管理。 |
Remark | 2024/3/1 起可由青島站取得全庫全文。點此連結至青島站 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |