Refine My Results
id | DB000000742 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1947- |
Introduction | Embase為生物醫學索引摘要資料庫,文獻類型涵蓋期刊與會議摘要,採用控制詞彙Emtree索引文章。獨有於MEDLINE的期刊數約3,000種,同時在Embase.com平台也可一併檢索MEDLINE書目。 提供PICO與指令查詢等多種介面,滿足不同檢索目的與習慣的使用者。檢索結果並提供藥物/疾病/儀器的三層式後篩選機制,可幫助快速篩選文獻。 |
Remark |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000777 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | ACCESSSS is a service to help provide current best evidence for clinical decisions. It conducts literature searches simultaneously in several different evidence-based information services (online evidence-based texts, and pre-appraised journal publications). ACCESSSS also provides email alerts to newly published evidence in the user’s chosen area(s) of training/interest. |
Remark | 需先註冊,取得帳號及密碼後方能使用系統。 |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000847 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 法源法律網「法學資料庫」由法源資訊股份有限公司建置維護,法源公司為法務部「全國法規入口網站」、「全國法規通報系統」,及司法院「法學檢索系統」、「裁判書查詢系統」之承辦廠商,掌握每日各級政府機關法規與各級法院裁判書之第一手資料。以法律專業結合資訊技術,專業分析整編,建立體系化、關聯式之法學資料庫,全面收錄完整的法學資料,每日即時更新。使用族群廣含政(政府機關)、審(法院)、檢(檢察署)、辨(律師法務)、學(學術單位),包含43所大專院校、4家國立公共圖書館採購使用,是最具權威、專業的法學資料庫。 |
Remark |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000907 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1962- |
Introduction | The Materials Science & Engineering Collection provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more. The Copper Technical Reference Library and the renowned METADEX database are also included in the Materials Science & Engineering Collection. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000908 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1962- |
Introduction | The Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection includes The renowned Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database and provides full-text titles from around the world including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more. The Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database Index for those researchers who need to conduct comprehensive literature reviews. This database includes specialized, editorial-controlled A&I resources for discovery of relevant scholarly research and technical literature critical to the discipline. Computer Science Database |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000911 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1960- |
Introduction | This Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection includes the renowned AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. This database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources covering such topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy responses. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000923 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1990- |
Introduction | The package includes: |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000927 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1940- |
Introduction | MathSciNet® is an electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are added each year, most of them classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification. Continuing in the tradition of the paper publication, Mathematical Reviews (MR), which was first published in 1940, expert reviewers are selected by a staff of professional mathematicians to write reviews of the current published literature; over 40,000 reviews are added to the database each year. |
id | DB000000975 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 將國立臺灣圖書館館典藏的中文期刊自清末到現在,有關臺灣論文著作之文獻資料,編輯成索引,供讀者查詢參考,目前收錄10萬4,806筆詮釋資料。 |
id | DB000001046 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 政府出版品資訊網(Government Publications Information,以下簡稱GPI)為行政院文化部委託民間單位維運及推廣政府出版品的專案,建立一更便利、更齊備、更符合網路世代使用習慣的網路平台,整合政府出版品各類資訊及機關出版活動。 使用者透過平台整合查詢功能,即可獲得目前最新的政府出版品書目情報、新聞與活動、出版現況、出版政策、出版獎項及其他與出版相關連結資訊。 GPI依政府出版品的書籍主題,提供「台灣采風」、「生活藝術」、「文化歷史」、「教育學習」、「社會/科學」、「財金產業」、「政治/外交/國防」等七大主題書籍的深度文章,並從出版品衍伸更多有趣、實用、多元的加值內容。 想找好活動:各政府機關所舉辦的藝文活動、講座訊息及其公開公告之活動新聞稿。 新書特推薦:邀請與出版品主題相關的專業領域撰稿人,撰寫深度評論。 得獎好書:歷年於各徵獎活動獲獎的政府出版品彙整。 主題書展:將主題相近、具有類似特色的政府出版品,整合評論,提列推薦書單。 焦點人物:採訪政府出版品相關人員,讓政府出版品內容更立體、更有溫度。 GPI政府出版資訊網提供最完整且即時更新的出版品資訊,透過單一服務窗口,您可以查詢最完整的政府出版品書目情報,獲知最新的出版資訊,政府出版品還能同時享受線上購書的服務。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000583 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1945-mid 2005 |
Introduction | Since 1945, research in Chinese literature, history, and philosophy in Taiwan has yielded fruitful results. Research findings are classified into five types: 1. monographs; 2. scholarly journals; 3. dissertations & theses; 4. newspapers; and 5. conference proceedings and essay anthologies. These have been important reference resources in sinology throughout the world. However, in Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China, articles and materials in dissertations & theses relevant to literature, history and philosophy lack a comprehensive source. In particular, there are no databases, which is an inconvenient for researchers studying literature, history, or philosophy. For this reason, in 2005 the National Central Library solicited the help of Professors Kuo-Liang Wang and Ling-Huei Liu, from the Institute of Classical Literature Science at National Taipei University, as well as that of the faculty and students in the institute to compile material, create files, and verify data, while National Central Library created and maintained a database system for this project. The project spanned from April 2005 to November 2006, processing more than 3,300 volumes of essay anthologies (a total of 60,000 articles) in National Central Library’s collection. This was achieved with the hope of enhancing information services through rapid and convenient network retrieval, browsing, and classification functions. The results of this revolutionary project are available for anyone in the world to use. ●Time Period: 1945 to mid 2005. ●Geographical Region: Primarily comprised of Taiwan publications in the NCL collection. ●Nature: The main types of books includes: Periodic or singular scholarly essay anthologies or multi-volume collections; Academic conference papers; Essay anthologies of individual scholars; Collections of commemorative papers.(Excludes: Scholarly journals; Dissertations and theses; and Daily newspapers) ●Subject matter: Discussions relevant to Chinese culture, literature, history, philosophy, humanities, and other academic-based research. Also includes the Zhongshan Legal System, philology, cultural and academic studies, classical studies, philosophy, linguistics, literature, history, topical history, art, biography, archeology, ethnology, etc. Not included are western studies, social sciences, and natural sciences. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000653 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 「臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引資料庫(Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences,簡稱TCI-HSS)」是由國家圖書館、行政院科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司、財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心等單位合作建置,主要是提供學術社群及社會大眾人士,跨學門查詢臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引之相關資料。本資料庫透過建立學術論文間相關文獻分析,期能協助提升國家學術研究資源之質量,資料庫內容係以行政院科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司先前所建置之TSSCI和THCI引文資料為基礎,經由國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心進行資料整併後匯入本系統。 資料庫現階段收錄臺灣及海外華人出版之人文及社會科學期刊、臺灣全國博士論文及專書,建立學術論著之來源文獻及引用文獻分析資訊,有助於瞭解學術著作之連結脈絡,同時提供跨學門資料庫檢索平臺服務,建立學術論著引用率及被引用率之書目分析,一方面作為人文及社會科學研究檢索之重點資料庫,另一方面則作為學術研究及相關機構瞭解各學門論著之參考依據。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000706 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Coverage includes a wide variety of applied science specialties—acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear engineering—from leading trade and industrial journals, professional and technical society journals, specialized subject periodicals, buyers’ guides, directories and conference proceedings. The content found in Applied Science & Technology Index makes it essential for students, educators, researchers and general readers. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000713 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 這是一個為了推廣台灣當代藝術家的中英雙語的專業資料庫,也是台灣當代藝術家的入口網站。 目前以藝術家為資料建置單位,並持續進行內容擴充,已完成行為藝術、錄像藝術和新媒體藝術三類型,共65位藝術家資料,資料包含簡介、展演履歷、完整系列作品(圖文、影音檔案、評論文章等),呈現每位藝術家的完整創作脈絡和最新動態,是個"活"的資料庫。持續增設裝置藝術、攝影藝術類型,並透過關鍵字的專家論述,延伸美學名詞、藝術事件,串聯現有資料間的知識網絡,強化搜尋便利性。 經由本資料庫,能實踐國內外策展和研究的旨趣,同時增加台灣藝術家的國際曝光率,被理解和觀看和邀請的機會。 載具使用說明: 一般PC、NP皆可 建議google chrome、firefox皆可 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000005 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 4,600 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,500 journals and a total of nearly 10,000 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. This scholarly collection offers unmatched full-text coverage of information in many areas of academic study. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for nearly 1,000 journals. Academic Search Complete is updated daily and available via EBSCOhost. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000032 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | his database provides full-text coverage of more than 350 periodicals and 220 books. In addition, Art & Architecture Complete offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 800 academic journals, magazines and trade publications. The database also provides selective coverage for more than 70 additional publications and an Image Collection of over 64,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others. |
Subject | Art & Humanities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000034 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1975- |
Eng Manual | Master journal list WOS Training Site |
Introduction | The Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and Arts & Humanities Search provide access to current and retrospective bibliographic information and cited references found in nearly 1,130 of the world's leading arts & humanities journals. They also cover individually selected, relevant items from approximately 7,000 of the world's leading science and social sciences journals. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
※Concurrent users : 10
id | DB000000035 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1990- |
Introduction | CONCERT National Academic License Database. OCLC index of articles from the contents pages of journals. Subjects: business, science, humanities social science, medicine technology,popular culture . |
Remark | ※Concurrent users : 10 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000045 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, published by the Getty Research Institute, is the only comprehensive American guide to the current literature of architecture and design. The index covers international, scholarly and popular periodical literature, including publications of professional associations; US state and regional periodicals; and major serial publications in the architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia. In addition, this database also provides nearly 13,000 citation records for architects' obituaries. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000048 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The name BHA has been used informally to refer to a group of databases: RAA, RILA, BHA, and IBA. The data available on the Getty Web site as of July 1, 2010, comprises two databases: BHA and RILA. BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art/Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art) covers the years 1990–2007; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in French or English and all subject terms in French and English. RILA (Rpertoire de la litterature de l'art), covers 1975–1989; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in English and all subject terms in English. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000051 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1982- |
Introduction | The Biological Science Collection includes the renowned Biological Sciences, MEDLINE, and TOXLINE databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. The database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources providing access to the extensive variety of biology’s cutting edge research, with applications to medicine, technology and the environment. |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
若無法輸出Cochrane Trials書目或無權閱讀Cochrane Reviews全文,請參考排除問題說明
id | DB000000078 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | User Guide |
Introduction | The Cochrane Library is a collection of Evidence-Based Medicine databases, The Cochrane Library is a collection of Evidence-Based Medicine databases, which is composed of a number of different databases including 1. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2. Cochrane Protocols 3. Cochrane Trials 4. Editorial 5. Special Collections 6. Clinical Answers 7. Other Reviews by Epistemonikos. |
Remark | 若無法輸出Cochrane Trials書目或無權閱讀Cochrane Reviews全文,請參考排除問題說明 |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000081 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1884- |
Introduction | Ei Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world. It provides a truly holistic and global view of peer reviewed and indexed publications with over 18.8 million records from 76 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Every record is carefully selected and indexed using the Engineering Index Thesaurus so engineers can be confident information is relevant, complete, accurate and of high quality. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
館藏其他形式:Current Index to Statistics V.1~24 (1975-98) (總圖參考室 R/519.505016/C936/V.1~24)
id | DB000000091 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1975- |
Introduction | The Current Index to Statistics is a bibliographic index to publications in statistics, probability, and related fields. The The Current Index to Statistics (CIS) is a bibliographic index of publications in statistics, probability, and related fields. It includes data from approximately 160 core journals, 1,200 additional journals in related fields, and 11,000 books. The bulk of the content in CIS is from 1975-2017. CIS was developed by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association. |
Remark | 館藏其他形式:Current Index to Statistics V.1~24 (1975-98) (總圖參考室 R/519.505016/C936/V.1~24) |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000102 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1973- |
Introduction | Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) is the leading source of abstracts and bibliographic records for articles, news items, and reviews published in design and applied arts periodicals from 1973 onwards. An indispensable tool for students, researchers, and practitioners worldwide, DAAI covers both new designers and the development of design and the applied arts since the mid-19th century, surveying disciplines including ceramics, glass, jewellery, wood, metalsmithing, graphic design, fashion and clothing, textiles, furniture, interior design, architecture, computer aided design, Web design, computer-generated graphics, animation, product design, industrial design, garden design, and landscape architecture. DAAI contains more than 212,000 records, with around 1,200 new records added in each monthly update. Subject Area
Subject | Art & Humanities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000109 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Catalog of FDA approved drug products. |
Subject | Medicine |
※Concurrent users : 10
id | DB000000117 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1995- |
Introduction | OCLC’s Electronic Collections Online is a powerful electronic-journals service that offers Web access to a growing collection of more than 5,000 titles in a wide range of subject areas, from over 70 publishers of academic and professional journals. |
Remark | ※Concurrent users : 10 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000118 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1969- |
Introduction | 收錄超過 63 萬筆資料。主要資料來源為全世界 400 餘種經濟學領域的西文期刊、圖書、會議論文集、學位論文及研究報告之書目資料;1987 年起則增加摘要。EconLit 收錄之經濟學文獻 99% 以上為英文,或含英文摘要。 |
Subject | Business & Management |
id | DB000000134 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Others Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | SciTech Connect is a portal to free, publicly-available DOE-sponsored R&D results including technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia, software, and data information, and was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) to increase access to science, technology, and engineering research information from DOE and its predecessor agencies. OSTI is a program within DOE's Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. Our mission is to advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the American people. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000136 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1966- |
Introduction | 本資料庫由美國教育資源資訊中心(U.S. Educational Resources Information Center)所製作,收錄與教育相關的論文及期刊文獻:包括成人與職業教育、教師進修、閱讀與溝通技巧、智障資優特殊教育、高等教育、測試與評量等;收錄的資料類型包括了教育期刊、研究報告、教學評估,技術報告,會議論文等。 全文取得管道: 1.本館館藏有 ED 398 352 ~ ED 421 609 微片形式之全文,請至總圖三樓微縮資料區使用,使用時請憑證件向三樓西文期刊室櫃檯洽借。 2.國立台灣師範大學圖書館蒐藏有 ED (Educational Document)教育文獻微片 -- 編號 : ED 010000 至今最新出版及 EJ (Educational Journal) 教育期刊微片,若需要本館未蒐藏之 ED及 EJ,可透過館際合作申請取得。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000137 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1966- |
Eng Manual | Online Training |
Introduction | ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000152 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000154 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | Coverage List |
Introduction | Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the ecology. Drawing on the connection between the environment and disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology, GreenFILE will serve as an informative resource for anyone concerned about the issues facing our planet. The total number of records is approximately 295,000, and full text is provided for more than 4,600 records from open access titles. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000163 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 國際疾病分類標準 |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000164 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Over 760,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 650,000 can be downloaded in full text! This site is part of a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics, RePEc. RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 67 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000173 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information provides free public access to over 200,000 full-text documents and bibliographic citations of Department of Energy (DOE) research report literature. Documents are primarily from 1991 forward and were produced by DOE, the DOE contractor community, and/or DOE grantees. Legacy documents are added as they become available in electronic format. |
Subject | Business & Management |
id | DB000000175 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 收錄不同學科領域的27,000多種英文期刊之內容目次及摘要,並提供文獻傳遞功能。 |
Remark | 注意事項:本資料庫為網路免費資源,僅提供書目及摘要,若欲列印全文,請透過館際合作申請,或直接註冊會員,自行利用信用卡線上訂購全文。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000176 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The database now contains more than 140,000 entries. At present, the ICSD contains 1,558 crystal structures of the elements 26,859 records for binary compounds 51,358 records for ternary compounds 52,183 records for quarternary and quintenary compounds About 107,000 entries (75,3%) have been assigned a structure type. There are currently 6,211 structure prototypes. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000187 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Others Theses/Dissertations Index/Abstract |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000198 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | JournalTOCs is the largest, free collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs): 21,597 journals (including 5,414 selected Open Access journals) from 1699 publishers. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000199 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | In order to maintain and develop Japan's science and technology research at an international level, it is important to disseminate outstanding research and development results to the world instantaneously. To that end, it is important to computerize bulletins of academic societies and research papers that are currently appeared on paper by user organizations and release them to the appearance on the Internet. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000202 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1965- |
Introduction | KAKEN is the database which is established and provided by the National Institute of Informatics (NII) with support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research contains the "Project Selected" documents and the research report summaries (incl. annual and final). The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research is granted whole field of science, and this database provides the latest information of the research projects in Japan exhaustively. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000216 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1973- |
Introduction | The database covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage is given to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,500 serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000223 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1940- |
Introduction | 由美國數學學會 (American Mathematical Society) 出版,收錄數學評論(Mathematical Reviews Database) 資料庫中的書目及評論 (Reviews),包含自1940 年以來的數學文獻。 國科會自然處委託數學中心圖書館(中研院數學所圖書館),為中心暨地區圖書館(含台大、中央、清大、交大、中興、中正、成大、中山、東華)購置圖書電子資源。自2000年起購置之數學電子資源,包含三大部份: I. American Mathematical Society (AMS) II. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics E-journals III. Springer LINK Mathematics Online Library 含MathSciNet資料庫及100多種電子期刊。( |
Remark | 相關連結: American Mathematical Society |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000227 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1946- |
Introduction | MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine,nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
id | DB000000228 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1946- |
Introduction | Ovid MEDLINE ® covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Information is indexed from approximately 5,000journals published world-wide. |
Subject | Medicine |
2016年起,Micromedex不再支援 Internet Explorer 8,請盡速將 IE 升級至 IE 9 或9以上版本。
id | DB000000233 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Attachment | App Installation |
Introduction | Thomson Reuters Micromedex solutions deliver evidence-based referential content for medication management, disease and condition management, toxicology, and patient education. The sub-databases NCKU subscribed include ((1)DRUGDEX System (2) IV Compatibility (3) Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference (4) POISINDEX System (5) REPRORISK System � (6) Interaction Checking (7) InfoButton access |
Remark | 2016年起,Micromedex不再支援 Internet Explorer 8,請盡速將 IE 升級至 IE 9 或9以上版本。 |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000240 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | What am I searching? SEARCH is the USDA National Agricultural Library’s main search tool. It provides simple, one-stop access to more than 7 million records covering all aspects of agriculture and related disciplines. SEARCH Everything for results from the Catalog and Articles database (AGRICOLA), PubAg, and the NAL Digital Collections (NALDC). Or you can choose to limit your SEARCH to: