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id | DB000000741 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | • Books - over 1,100 of Elsevier's medical and surgical reference books • Journals - over 600 of Elsevier's medical and surgical journals • Procedures Consult - all Procedures Consult content and associated procedural videos in various specialties • over 850 Point-of-Care clinical monographs • Drug Monographs - over 2,900 clinical pharmacology drug monographs from Gold Standard • Patient Education - over 15,000 customizable patient education handouts • Clinical Trials - all clinical trials from the database • Practice Guidelines - over 4,500 practice guidelines • MEDLINE - Fully indexed MEDLINE • Multimedia- over 17,000 medical and surgical videos and over 2.2 million images • CME is also included and is sponsored by Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education |
Remark | 107.01.01起停訂ClinicalKey電子書下載全文PDF檔功能,僅提供線上閱覽功能(html格式),無下載全文PDF檔功能。 |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
訂購150本,凡書名前 [未標示X符號] 即有權使用全文
id | DB000000754 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Essential content: Titles in disciplines such as business, economics, and the humanities from key publishers—Princeton University Press, Yale University Press, MIT Press, and more. |
Remark | 訂購150本,凡書名前 [未標示X符號] 即有權使用全文 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000756 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | User Guide |
Introduction | For more than 260 years, the name De Gruyter has been synonymous with high-quality, landmark publications in the humanities and natural sciences. The scope of De Gruyter's publishing program includes theology and philosophy, biology and chemistry, linguistics and literature, mathematics and physics, history and archaeology, as well as law and medicine. In all of these areas, De Gruyter has consistently partnered with exceptional scholars to establish itself as a key international publisher. De Gruyter e-dition makes over 50,000 high-quality titles available. In 2013, Harvard University Press gave exclusive rights to De Gruyter to publish and distribute 3,000 formerly out-of-print titles. TAEBDC 2014 purchased 162 De Gruyter titles. The full text is in PDF format and the save as, printing and copy-paste is unlimited. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
ScienceDirect to cease support of Internet Explorer 9 on January 1, 2017
id | DB000000757 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Woodhead Publishing Online is a resource for access by the academic library and research community. Woodhead publishes in niche areas of Materials Science and Engineering; Food Science, Technology and Nutrition; Textile Technology; Energy and Environmental Technology; Biomedicine; Biomaterials; Mathematics and Lipids. Chandos Publishing is an imprint of Woodhead Publishing Limited. Chandos Publishing Online is a unique resource of e-books, provide the best source of authoritative information for Library Science and Information Management professionals and researchers worldwide. The full text is in PDF format and the save as, printing and copy-paste is unlimited |
Remark | ScienceDirect to cease support of Internet Explorer 9 on January 1, 2017 |
Subject | Life Science 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000763 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | User Guide |
Introduction | Bentham Science所出版之電子書涵蓋科學、技術、及醫學的各個領域,包括農學、化學、計算機與信息科學、地球與環境科學、工程技術、生命科學、材料科學、數學與統計學、醫學、奈米科學、製藥科學、物理與天文學、及社會科學等。除了PDF版本,Bentham電子書還提供ePub及Kindle格式。 |
id | DB000000765 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Cambria Press 成立於2006年,位在美國紐約州的阿默斯特(Amherst, New York),是一家獨立的學術性圖書出版社。最初每年約出版50本新書,其出版的學術專論圖書均經過同儕審查的程序,主要的市場為研究性圖書館與專業的研究者。 |
id | DB000000814 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | ABC-CLIO with a 50+ year legacy of excellence and innovation and Greenwood Publishing Group founded in 1967 are International academic publishers focusing on History, Art & Humanities , and Social Science for librarians and educator. Many of print titles and digital products are recognized with annual awards from Library Journal, Choice, Booklist, and the American Library Association. On October 1, 2008, ABC-CLIO became the publisher of Greenwood Publishing Group’s imprints and titles and the integrated ebook platform is launched on September 17, 2009. There are about 6000 ebooks digitized by ABC-CLIO/Greenwood now, selected from high-quality, authoritative, scholarly titles also including of Praeger and Libraries Unlimited. The full text is in HTML format and can be viewed by internet browser directly without installing any other software. Although the limit is 50 pages on one time printing/save, there is no limit on the times of printing/save. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities |
id | DB000000848 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1862-1933 |
Introduction | 新渡戶稻造(1862-1933),日本現代化初期農政學、植民政策學先驅者,亦是理想主義、人格主義之思想家。日本岩手縣人,札幌農學校(今之北海道大學)二期生,後入東京大學再赴美深造,然後赴德研習農政學。 1901年應後藤新平之邀赴臺,擔任臺灣總督府技師兼代理殖產局長。針對臺灣當時之糖業情勢,提出「糖業改良意見書」以為對策,之後總督府採納意見書之方案,於翌年提出「糖業獎勵規則」,以政府公權力干涉及引導臺灣製糖業之發展。1903年轉赴京都帝國大學任教,並兼任臺灣總督府職務。1909年由後藤新平等人捐款以培養殖民地經營人才的「殖民政策講座」於東京帝國大學經濟學部設立。新渡戶稻造擔任「殖民政策講座」首任講座教授,矢內原忠雄繼其後擔任此講座教授。 本電子書除收錄新渡戶稻造最為世人知曉的著作武士道(Bushido:The Soul of Japan)之外,日文版由矢內原忠雄翻譯。亦收錄其他重要學術著作:農業本論、植民政策學講義、植民政策論文、糖業改良意見書等等。同時收錄新渡戶稻造個人對時局現勢關心之短評時論與隨想錄、隨感錄及談修養、修身、處世之文章。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000859 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Image Video E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | NYPL Digital Collections收錄超過六十萬筆由紐約公共圖書館收藏轉為數位化的項目,包括版畫、照片、地圖、手稿、串流影片等,其旨在將歷史資料轉成數位格式,讓使用者自由下載使用,對於學術研究或保存、傳遞資料來說都是非常有用的,不需經過美國紐約公共圖書館的同意,都能重新利用這些資料。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering 、 Others |
請使用Google Chrome 瀏覽器; 本館訂購的遠景電子書187本書與五南電子書14本可調閱全部內文(由漫讀首頁本館館藏或右邊遠景個別庫連結),未訂購之書一律開放每本書前30頁碼供調閱且試用至永久
id | DB000000868 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 『Man'Du漫讀』是一個整合眾多電子書的資料庫平台,內容包羅萬象,囊括各類出版社的作品,包含學術教科書的【五南】、公職證照類的【鼎文】、經典文學的【遠景】、電腦資訊類的【碁峰】、宗教哲學類 的 【全佛】,超過4,000冊的書籍。 |
Remark | 請使用Google Chrome 瀏覽器; 本館訂購的遠景電子書187本書與五南電子書14本可調閱全部內文(由漫讀首頁本館館藏或右邊遠景個別庫連結),未訂購之書一律開放每本書前30頁碼供調閱且試用至永久 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000897 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 歷年透過TAEBDC(台灣學術電子書暨資料庫聯盟)所採購的Cambridge系列電子書: * Cambridge Books Online (CBO) * Cambridge Companions Online (CCO) 2009年679筆、2010年501筆、2011年1806筆,皆已轉換至Cambridge Core平台。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000934 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 甲午戰後,日本對於初次取得的殖民地應該採取「自治主義」或「同化主義」的統治政策,在政府內部與外部都引起極大的爭辯。資料庫精選戰前殖民政策學重要著作,收錄明治21年到昭和15年(西元1888~1940年)的作品。內容依兩種方式來區分,一以作者區分:有大學學者、政府顧問、民間研究者及實際參與殖民政務的高級官僚;二以著作內容區分:有認同殖民統治論者、有持批判論者,有支持自治主義或同化主義者、亦有反對內地延長主義者,有強調經濟開發者、有主張農業殖民者,或持戰略考量主張以臺灣為南進之踏石者…等。出版於明治、大正年間之殖民政策學的著作可作為日治時期臺灣政治研究的重要參考之一。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000990 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 藥學資源資料庫,專門為滿足藥學教育持續更新的需求而設計,根據美國藥學教育委員會(ACPE)的500大課程主題規劃成四大主題核心課程,並且收錄優質的參考書、多樣化測驗題型、線上照護計畫撰寫練習等資源,整合更新的藥物資源,其中包括用藥指示、劑量、禁忌症與藥物分級等重要資訊。提供超過14,000筆涵蓋核心課程與器官系統的Q&A題庫,其中有500筆以上的重點題庫題目,能滿足藥師養成所需的各種需求。 |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000001007 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Reference Books E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 中國哲學書電子化計劃是一個線上開放電子圖書館,為中外學者提供中國歷代傳世文獻,力圖超越印刷媒體限制,通過電子科技探索新方式與古代文獻進行溝通。收藏的文本已超過三萬部著作,並有五十億字之多,為歷代中文文獻資料庫最大者。 網站提供盡可能精確且便利使用的中國古代原典文獻(尤其是先秦兩漢文獻),把這些資料以結構化、可檢索模式來展現,並且使用現代技術作為工具使這些文獻更容易學習和研究,因而使更多人有機會接觸這些原典文獻。網站並提供不同的版本:中文版和英文版,簡體字和繁體字,使用者可以使用任何一頁左上邊的功能連節鈕隨時轉換。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001011 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books. The directory is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in Open Access and meet academic standards. |
Subject | Generalities |
id | DB000001023 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video E-Books |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 國立臺灣圖書館前身為臺灣總督府圖書館,自日據時期(西元1914年)開館至今已逾一百年,為臺灣歷史最悠久的公共圖書館。館藏為日據時期臺灣總督府圖書館日文舊籍資料,後復併入南方資料館之南方資料,擁有豐富珍貴的特藏資料。今日新住民多由南洋地區移入臺灣,加上國家的「新南向政策」,為提供研究者可以取得將此珍貴南方特藏資料,研究南洋歷史文化,擬透過建置數位化資料庫,,一來可以保護原件不再被多次借閱瀏覽,破壞書籍,二來亦可供讀者快速方便取得數位影像檔。 國立臺灣圖書館自104年獲教育部補助完成數位化約500本亞洲特藏資料數位化,含蓋範圍為日治時期日本、中國(滿洲及華南)、朝鮮(今韓國)及南洋資料,當時尚未建置專屬資料影像系統,暫時將數位化電子檔匯入「日治時期圖書影像系統」。106年獲教育部補助建置「館藏南方資料影像系統」,將掃描3萬5,000影幅、建置詮釋資料350冊,並匯入「館藏南方資料影像系統」。此外,亦將原屬「日治時期圖書影像系統」之南方資料數位化電子檔轉匯入「館藏南方資料影像系統」,合計將有850冊圖書資料,有助於研究者取得珍貴的南方資料,促進相關之研究。 進行數位化的資料先以日本在南方的調查報告及當時相關出版的圖書為主,語文類別為日文,若完成相關的掃描及詮釋資料之建置後,將著手南方資料館的西洋書籍數位化。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001024 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video E-Books |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 國立臺灣圖書館前身為臺灣總督府圖書館,創立於西元1914年,自日據時期開館至今已逾一百年,為臺灣歷史最悠久的公共圖書館,重要的特藏資料包括臺灣文獻及東南亞資料,並且典藏許多珍貴的舊籍日本文獻資料。為加速推廣臺灣學研究,建立臺灣學數位圖書館,促進臺灣學研究機構的合作與交流,於96年3月成立「臺灣學研究中心」,並自同年起獲教育部補助「館藏日文臺灣資料數位典藏計畫」(96-98年)進行館藏日據時期臺灣文獻的數位化工作。97年開放「日治時期圖書影像系統」、「日治時期期刊影像系統」,99-103年持續接受教育部補助進行館藏日據時期臺灣文獻的數位化工作。103年亦接受科技部補助進行光復初期臺灣政經資料數位化,並於104年3月開放資料庫使用。目前完成臺灣資料數位化圖書1萬6,000餘冊、期刊322種,自開放迄今每年均有逾20萬人次下載數位影像檔。 國立臺灣圖書館不僅是典藏臺灣資料的重鎮,另有典藏大量舊籍日本文獻,是研究日本文獻資料的寶庫。為提供研究日本學的學者專家可以容易取得利用該批珍貴日本文獻,因此提出「館藏舊籍日本文獻數位化計畫」,擬建置「館藏舊籍日本文獻影像系統」,並將之推廣至臺灣日本研究相關系所,供其使用下載數位影像檔。 自96年至103年完成龐大的臺灣總督府圖書館文獻數位化,語文雖大多以日文為主,基本上內容以臺灣出版或與臺灣相關之資料為標的,其範圍為臺灣總督府圖書館和漢分類法臺灣類圖書及雜誌為主。建置「日治時期圖書影像系統」有助於研究者取得珍貴的舊籍臺灣文獻,促進臺灣學的研究。進行數位化的資料以日本圖書館學暨文學領域為基礎,先將舊籍日本文獻相關典籍數位化,日後再持續擴充舊籍日本文獻相關領域的數位化資料。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001025 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | IOP Publishing is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Institute of Physics. The Institute is a leading scientific society promoting physics and bringing physicists together for the benefit of all. It has a worldwide membership of around 50,000 comprising physicists from all sectors. It works to advance physics research, application and education, and engages with policy makers and the public to develop awareness and understanding of physics. Any profits generated by the publishing company are used by the Institute to support science and scientists in both the developed and developing world. |
Remark | *Authorization of download full-text is only for our subscribed ebooks, not all ebooks in the database. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
若自校外無法連線,請設定VPN後,1. 檢測IP是否為成大IP(140.116開頭) ; 2. 嘗試刪除瀏覽器Cookies與快取資料 ; 3. 更換瀏覽器
id | DB000001045 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 本資料庫收錄自清末至1949年期間,在中國大陸所出版的繁體中文圖書,數量約11萬種,未來將持續增加。書籍種類包含了人文思潮、社會研究、政治法律、史地教育、翻譯文學...等等,均有詳細分類,包含了西方的民主與科學思潮(德先生與賽先生)以及傳統中學的現代出版品,內容豐盛,思想精闢,不僅是研究近代文化思想演進的重要讀本,更是文學、政法、經濟、社會研究的珍貴資源。 |
Remark | 若自校外無法連線,請設定VPN後,1. 檢測IP是否為成大IP(140.116開頭) ; 2. 嘗試刪除瀏覽器Cookies與快取資料 ; 3. 更換瀏覽器 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001052 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Thieme Clinical Collections包含了廣泛且經嚴格精選的各類電子書,適合提供給所有醫學領域的學生、研究人員及臨床醫生使用。圖書館自2017起採購的電子書超過100冊以上。 |
id | DB000001061 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Others Image Theses/Dissertations E-Books E-Journal |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | Help Center |
Introduction | Trove is an online service created by the National Library of Australia (NLA). Trove offers free public access to a wide range of information, including historical and contemporary materials.Trove contains digital reproductions of newspapers, journals, books, maps, personal papers, as well as archived websites and other born-digital content. It also brings together records and digitised content from libraries, museums, galleries, universities, archives, data repositories and other research and collecting organisations around Australia. Trove also links to other websites when there is a business reason to do so. The links are not endorsements of the content of the websites, or of their policies or products. Some of the content in Trove is being supplied through third-party sources, the NLA does not review, moderate or control access to this material. The material is not legal advice and may not represent the official opinion of the NLA or its partners.Users are able to access and use Trove, providing content and/or contributions to the content, as well as engage with other users through a forum that includes a messaging service. |
Subject | Generalities |
id | DB000001064 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Peter Lang has over 40 years of experience in academic publishing, specializing in the humanities and social sciences worldwide and publishing more than 1,800 titles every year. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000566 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《史記箋證》主要由中國著名的《史記》與傳記文學研究專家韓兆琦教授主導編輯,並專聘6位教授、15位副教授、博士生參與審稿、外文資料和評論蒐集,親身參與初稿的審稿與校對,另有海內外21位專家學者的協助,以確保資料內容的廣泛和豐富、品質的準確和可靠性,堪稱可與「史記三家注」媲美,並且補足了《史記會注考證》距今七十多年間的史記研究資料,成為收錄年代範圍最廣、觀點最新穎、集評規模最大、資料最詳備的注本,為現今研究《史記》的必備經典。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000568 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 18世紀 |
Introduction | Eighteenth Century Collections Online is the most ambitious single digitization project ever undertaken. It delivers every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in Great Britain during the eighteenth century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas. ECCO Parts I and II combined now contain over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes) and more than 32 million pages, adding greatly to the depth of 18th century research. Part I and II combined contain: •More than 32 million pages of text •182,898 titles •205,639 volumes •7 major subject areas covered |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000574 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1867-1941 |
Introduction | The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal《教務雜誌》(CR, 1868-1941) was the longest published English journal in 19th century in China until it ceased publication in 1941. It was designed primarily to facilitate communication and fellowship among Christian missionaries throughout China. The content includes countless rare photos and maps, drawings, and statistics. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000579 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1894/07-1895/10 |
Introduction | 明治二十七八年戰爭(甲午戰爭),這是一場對近代東亞有重大影響的戰爭。甲午戰後的清朝國勢更加傾頹,無論面對國內外情勢,朝廷都顯得乏力應變。日本則在這場戰爭之後,躍升為軍事強國之一擠身列強之林,進而踏上帝國主義侵略之路。而臺灣則是依據中日馬關條約割讓於日本,臺灣住民雖然奮力抵抗,但仍無法與現代化配備的日本近衛師團對抗,從此成為日本統治下之殖民地。 《明治二十七八年戰爭陸海軍檔案》依據日本陸軍省、海軍省、參謀本部、外務省等政府部門所出版的資料編輯而成。明治二十七八年日清戰爭與臺灣乙未抗日戰爭,乃是百年前關係到臺灣命運轉折的戰爭,透過本資料庫電子書的呈現,希望能提供中日關係史與臺灣史研究者對甲午戰爭與乙未抗日運動有更加一層了解與應用。 資料庫收錄範圍以1894年7月間朝鮮外海日清豐島海戰開其端迄1895年10月日軍進入臺南城為止,期間所發生之陸海軍各戰役都包含於內,主題涵蓋陸海軍各戰役記實、後勤衛生補給記實、西洋各國駐軍事人員對日軍戰役之觀察報告、陸海軍各戰役之戰鬪圖、偵察戰圖、守備配置圖、相關地圖等,以及和議完成之後有關淡水福州間海底電線條約交涉之相關電文訓令等。 ※ 列印資料庫全文,請將影像寬度調為1000以上,列印出的全文會較清晰。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000580 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1887-1923 |
Introduction | 明治維新之後,受西洋思想與文化影響,長期受到社會壓抑的女權逐漸開始獲得尊重與肯定。隨著文明開化政策的展開及女性意識的抬頭,近代女流文學得以在此氣氛中萌芽發展,並為大正、昭和時期後繼之女流文學立下典範。 此套《明治時期女流文學選集電子書》,精選活躍於明治時期之重要女作家,包含黎明期的中島湘烟、木村曙、三宅花圃,花火般的樋口一葉,二十世紀初「明星」的与謝野晶子,若松賤子、大塚楠緒子、瀨沼夏葉、田村俊子…等二十餘位知名女流文學作家。收錄之作品近百本,內容包含女流作家之小說創作、短歌、詩文、日記、遊記、時評、短文、書簡文…等各式文體。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000590 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Including the following subjects: Autonomic Nervous System; Communication, language and speech; Disease and Dysfunction; Evolution and Comparative Biology of Nervous Systems; History; Intercellular Communication; Methods and Techniques; Molecular and Cell Biology of Nervous Systems; Motor Neuromuscular System; Nervous System Development, Repair and Aging; Neural Basis of Behavior; Sensory Systems; Structural Organization of the Brain |
Subject | Life Science |
id | DB000000591 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Established in 2008 with input from faculty and academic librarians and now used by hundreds of thousands of students, Business Expert Press publishes concise, practical treatments of the topics taught in MBA programs. Our born-digital books are written by professors who translate real-life business experiences into teaching tools, and serve as curriculum-oriented, cost-effective alternatives to high-priced textbooks by providing the kind of information that's not offered in introductory textbooks or case studies. |
Subject | Business & Management |
id | DB000000592 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | FAQ |
Introduction | The IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) runs a professional and academic book programme featuring some 300 books across 12 series, covering all the key areas of engineering and technology. Available in print and online format, the IET provides international researchers, professionals and students with new perspectives and developments in emerging subject areas, as well as continuing to produce forward looking publications in traditional engineering topics. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000604 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | BCS (British Computer Society),位於英國倫敦的皇家資訊科技學會,目前擁有七萬名會員。其成立宗旨為結合產官學界的力量,促進資訊科技應用的普及,推廣資訊管理新思維,制訂資訊教育的課程標準,形成公共政策的參考。旗下出版品皆經學會認證,品管嚴謹。除了適合MBA學員的進階課程使用之外,並可作為商務人士,資深經理人,資訊部門主管自我進修時的參考書。BCS精選33本MBA進修篇套書,推薦各大商管學院收藏。 |
Subject | Business & Management |
id | DB000000619 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 雕龍--中國日本古籍全文檢索資料庫,是一個由中、日、台三方古籍研究專家研製之超大型中日古籍全文檢索資料庫。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000633 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | ACLS Humanities E-Book (HEB) is an online collection of approximately 5,000 books of high quality in the humanities, accessible through institutional and individual subscription. These titles are offered by the ACLS in collaboration with thirty learned societies, over 100 contributing publishers, and the Michigan Publishing division at the University of Michigan Library. The result is an online, fully searchable collection of high-quality books in the Humanities, recommended and reviewed by scholars. These are works of major importance that remain vital to both scholars and advanced students, and are frequently cited in the literature. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000665 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | iG Library is a new generation eBook platform developed by iG Publishing. Its simple and user friendly interface helps you to retrieve information from huge eBook collections using a single click. It employs a powerful clustering engine to help you quickly analyze search results as well as to discover related topics. Our unique eBook reading technology allows users to read content via web browsers without installing any proprietary software. It not only provides a set of information tools for research purposes, it also supports various kinds of devices and operation systems including the iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac and Windows. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Medicine |
id | DB000000666 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | udn電子書庫為綜合學科中文電子書平台,合作出版社包括聯經出版、天下文化、時報出版、五南文化等。 |
Remark | 若使用成功入口帳號無法登入,請確認密碼不含特殊符號,單純英文與數字組合。變更密碼 |
Subject | Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities |
id | DB000000677 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community. Since 1995 the MUSE journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and school libraries worldwide. UPCC (University Press Content Consortium) Book Collections on Project MUSE, launched in 2012, offer thousands of peer-reviewed digital books from major university presses and scholarly publishers. NCKU readers can read 5,173 titles of ebooks bought in 2013 by Taiwan Academic Electronic E-Book and Database Consortium.The subjects of the titles include Archeology and Anthropology, Books Archival Subscription Plan, Film, Theater, and Performing Arts, Global Cultural Studies, Higher Education, History, Huminities Studies, Literature, Philosophy and Religion, Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Non-Fiction, Political Science and Policy Studies, U.S. Regional Studies. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000723 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000006 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | AccessMedicineTM from McGraw-Hill is an innovative online resource that provides students, residents, clinicians, researchers, and all health professionals with access to more than 60 medical titles from the best minds in medicine, updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, a comprehensive search platform, and the ability to download content to a mobile device. |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
(2)借書、離線下載閱讀請按右上「登入」,並於註冊「Airiti Reader帳號」,可參考相關資訊之「帳密綁定說明」
id | DB000000020 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | ● 書籍種類包括學術研究、教科書、國家考試用書、參考工具書、政府出版品、百科全書、生活用書(食衣住行育樂)、親子文學等。 ● 出版社包含時報、聯經、華泰、書林、千華、全華等近600家優質出版品。 ● 學科領域包括語言學習、商業經營、名人傳記、醫療保健、藝術設計、中外文學、台灣之美(地理百科)、美味料理等。 ● 此離線閱讀之電子書屬ePUB格式,凡ePUB格式之電子書,在On line閱讀部分同步支援PC、NB、Android 及iPAD平板電腦,On line閱讀不需下載iRead eBooks閱讀軟體。 |
Remark | (1)線上閱讀免帳號 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering 、 Others |
id | DB000000024 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | AMS Books Online comprises bookmarked PDF files that can be downloaded by chapter and may include corrections that are not in the printed version. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
Print: up to 40 pages a time; Download PDF: current page only.
id | DB000000079 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Columbia University Press was founded in 1893 and is the fourth-oldest university press in the United States. The purpose of the press expressed in its Certificate of Incorporation is to "promote the study of economic, historical, literary, scientific and other subjects and to promote and encourage the publication of literary works embodying original research in such subjects. The Press currently publishes in the fields of Asian studies and literature, biological sciences, business, culinary history, current affairs, economics, environmental sciences, film and media studies, finance, history, international affairs, literary studies, Middle Eastern studies, New York City history, philosophy, neuroscience, paleontology, political theory, religion, and social work. |
Remark | Print: up to 40 pages a time; Download PDF: current page only. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000088 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | CRC Press and CRCnetBASE are part of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Company. CRCnetBASE is made up of over 8000 online books that span over 40 disciplines. In addition to e-books published under the imprint CRC Press, CRCnetBASE also includes online references from Auerbach and Chapman & Hall. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
本校僅訂購Current Protocols in Molecular Biology,非訂購資源無法閱讀
id | DB000000093 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Current Protocols contains thousands of basic to advanced research protocols. All protocols include expert commentary and guidelines written by authors, and are reviewed and edited by colleagues who understand the needs of researchers. NCKU Library users only can access the following protocols: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology -Contains updated information and protocols on rapidly changing areas such as genome editing, next generation sequencing, RNAi and zinc finger nucleases -Covers basic methods, such as nucleic acid isolation, purification, and quantition -Offers advanced procedures for microarray analysis, chromatin assembly and analysis, single-cell analysis and gene silencing, among others -Explores specialized areas, including mouse phenotyping and metabolomics |
Remark | 本校僅訂購Current Protocols in Molecular Biology,非訂購資源無法閱讀 |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
id | DB000000114 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 2017年2月由EBL及Ebrary整併為ProQuest Ebook Central平台,涵蓋綜合類十大主題,提供多種欄位檢索及主題瀏覽,提供線上閱讀及整本或特定章節下載,下載前須先申請 / 登入個人帳密 *每本書複製、列印與下載限制則依照出版社政策而異,在書籍資訊頁會明確標示該本書使用權限與下載 / 列印頁數限制。 |
Remark | Before downloading e-books, please sign in or create an account if you are new to Ebook Central. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 |