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id | DB000000819 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 日治法院檔案資料庫主要收錄內容為臺北、新竹、臺中、嘉義等四個地方法院所典藏的日治時期各類司法文書,包括民刑事判決原本、民刑事案件登記簿、非訟事件以及強制執行事件等卷宗、公證書原本、有關法人等的各種登記簿、行政卷宗等,此外尚有少量由臺灣高等法院、高雄和花蓮地方法院所典藏的日治時期司法文書。上述檔案所涉時間始自1895年,迄於1945年,完整地呈現出日治五十年臺灣法院之運作實況。 |
Remark | ※如需使用,請自行申請帳號 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000888 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Numeric Bibliographies & Catalogs |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 2014年中央研究院近代史研究所整合現有的數位學術資源—圖書館、檔案館、胡適紀念館、資料庫小組所建立的資料庫及館際合作計畫,組成近代史數位資料庫(MHDB, Modern History Databases)。 內容包括:清代奏摺檔案、婦女雜誌資料庫、英華字典資料庫、胡適檔案資料庫、清代糧價資料庫、近代春秋TIS系統、近代史全文資料庫、檔案館藏檢索系統、近代婦女期刊資料庫、近代城市小報資料庫、清季職官表查詢系統、圖書館報刊資料檢索系統、近現代人物資訊整合系統、檔案館人名權威檢索系統。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000912 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Reference Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 先秦~1949年 |
Introduction | 全球獨家孤本最多、版本最齊、規模最大的「中國數字方志庫」,由「中國國家圖書館˙文津書店」出版,收錄先秦~1949年地志類文獻共12,000種,15萬冊,1千萬頁,10億字。廣羅全球及中國大陸各地圖書館、檔案館、博物館及私家珍藏的獨家孤本、稀見本、批校本、題跋本,囊括中國歷代全國總志、各級地方誌(8,000餘種),專類地志 : 山水志、水利志、名勝志、祠廟志、園林志、民族志、遊記、邊疆和域外志(3,700餘種),以及地理學/地圖學相關叢書、辭典、期刊、論叢等文獻,涵蓋了宋、元、明、清及民國時期所著的稿本、抄本、刻本、活字本、石印本等各種版本,是文津書店/北京籍古軒圖書數字技術公司整編多年的傾情鉅獻。可依書名、作者、目錄、版本類型、卷號、叢編、類別、特徵描述、出版年等10種檢索條件,作快速檢索或高級檢索,非常便利。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000932 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1930-1932 |
Introduction | 特高警察為日本特別高等警察之簡稱。針對共產主義、社會主義與破壞國家穩定、社會安寧活動等思想之取締及防範而設立的,並由高等警察負責島內政治運動、社會運動、不正思想取締工作、新聞紙及出版物取締、寫真取締、皇室紋章、肖像取締及外國人取締…等任務,形成一個嚴密的思想檢查網,並據此處予行政處分警告、削除、禁止銷售等。報告書詳實記載當月份流通出版品(日本內地、外國輸入及島內所出版)之檢查報告,內含當月之出版物檢閱數、行政處分數,新聞紙檢閱數、行政處分數,禁止銷售流通之出版物及新聞紙,與禁止要項之說明。資料收錄的年代從昭和5年到昭和7年(西元1930~1932年)時間雖短,卻是深入了解昭和時期臺灣總督府對臺灣社會所採行嚴密思想管制不可或缺的重要史料。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000940 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1930~1932 |
Introduction | 臺灣私法為「臨時臺灣舊慣調查會」調查臺灣自古以來漢人社會公私法既有法制慣習之報告書。調查工作由京都帝國大學法學教授岡松參太郎負責,其研究成果斐然,實堪稱「臺灣私法大全」,本書出版迄今雖已百年,但仍為研究清朝與臺灣法制、社會與經濟史不可或缺之重要參考資料。 資料庫收錄昭和5年~昭和7年(西元1930~1932年)間的資料,內容分為:緒論、不動產、人事、動產、商事及債權等四編,其中亦包含地積地租學政組織及祭祀品級宗教等相關記述。附錄參考書中收錄相關的文書契字近二千五百件,時間最遠可上溯至清朝前期,其中不動產相關約千餘件、商事債權約三百餘件,昔時臺灣常見之養女、養媳、招壻…等字書亦收錄其中。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000991 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1913-1922 |
Introduction | 西元1901年臺灣總督府基於統治上施政考量,計畫有系統地調查新納入版圖之臺灣的民情風俗與慣習,於是組成臨時臺灣舊慣調查會並由後藤新平出任會長。舊慣調查會蕃族科於1909年成立後,十年間完成臺灣原住民族各族之生活、文化、社會等舊慣調查,並出版二十七本原住民調查報告書作為此次調查之成果。 本電子書內容包含:「蕃族調查報告書」、「番族慣習調查報告書」、「臺灣番族慣習研究」及「臺灣蕃族志」等。前二書是舊慣調查會實地調查記錄之結果,其內容忠實記錄臺灣原住民族各族之物質文化、生活習慣、社會組織和親屬關係等。第三書以法制為基礎調查原住民族各族之父系主義、母系主義、親族、家族、家族制及婚姻制等。第四書則為森丑之助所著臺灣蕃族志第一卷。臨時臺灣舊慣調查會嚴謹詳實的調查報告書,除了提供總督府官員施政上參考之外,也是研究當代人類學與原住民傳統生活、社會文化與法制慣習最佳參考工具書之一。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000992 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1895-1926 |
Introduction | 以臺灣總督府警務局出版之「理蕃誌稿」為底稿,將三十年間與原住民相關的事件整理編排而成。以電子檔方式提供研究人員檢索、閱讀與列印。讀者可以年代瀏覽當年度事件,或以標題檢索方式查詢,並連結全文。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000993 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | Japanese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1939-1943 |
Introduction | 昭和時期企業信用錄—臺灣篇(1939-1943)明治二十五年日本銀行聯合其他大手銀行共同出資設立「商業興信所」,仿歐美債信調查機構,對日本國內企業、商工業者之資本額、營業狀態、同業信用…等等展開調查,並提供其調查資料供銀行業者作為企業往來、融資貸款考評之參考。伴隨歐美需求擴大與日本工商業的蓬勃興起,除開銀行界之外,商工企業者對於往來客戶之債信、企業經營、營業狀態等商業情報獲取展現出高度的興趣。商業興信所於大正七年所提供的調查資料已達十二萬件以上,調查地區遍及日本、沖繩及朝鮮、滿洲與臺灣。商業興信所並曽於大正元年、三年分別於臺北、臺南設立出張所。昭和期間臺灣地區參與興信調查的商工企業家數,年約五百家左右,其資料內容除會社名、所在地、主要業務外,尚包含資本額、營業額、近年配當率、同業地位、信用程度等資料。透過這些調查資料更容易了解當時臺灣工商企業的經營狀態、產業狀態及戰爭進入時期的臺灣工商業狀態,此調查資料期間雖然短暫,但卻是研究昭和期間臺灣商工企業發展不可或缺的參考資料。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001027 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Others Numeric |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Note: Not all SEC filings by public companies are available on EDGAR. Companies were phased in to EDGAR filing over a three-year period, ending 6 May 1996.[2] As of that date, all public domestic companies were required to submit their filings via EDGAR, except for hard copy paper filings, which were allowed under a hardship exemption. Third-party filings with respect to these companies, such as tender offers and Schedule 13D filings, are also filed via EDGAR. |
Subject | Business & Management |
id | DB000000569 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | None |
Publisher | |
Included years | 19世紀 |
Introduction | Nineteenth Century Collections Online: The ArchivesThe archives of Nineteenth Century Collections Online are presented in a modular, topic-specific format that enables libraries to customize and scale their holdings to meet a variety of collection development goals, research needs, and budgets. Asia and the WestAsia and the West features primary source collections related to international relations between Asian countries and the West during the nineteenth century. These invaluable documents—many never before available—include government reports, diplomatic correspondences, periodicals, newspapers, treaties, trade agreements, NGO papers, and more. Documents are sourced from The National Archives, Kew; The National Archives, United States; and other collections. This unmatched resource allows scholars to explore in great detail the history of British and U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy; Asian political, economic, and social affairs; the Philippine Insurrection; the Opium Wars; the Boxer Rebellion; missionary activity in Asia; and many other topics. Asia and the West also includes personal letters and diaries, offering first-hand accounts and revealing the human side of international politics, as well as nautical charts, maps, shipping ledgers, company records, and expedition and survey reports for more than a century of world history. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000575 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Image |
Language | English |
Status | None |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1793-1980 |
Introduction | 《 China: Trade, Politics & Culture 》 This digital collection answers a need for clear, intelligible and informative English-language sources relating to China and the West, 1793-1980, which can be accessed online and used in the classroom or in course packs. It is also ideal for independent projects on almost any aspect of Chinese history during the two centuries of monumental social and political upheaval that ultimately recreated China into a modern power. With manuscripts encompassing events from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the People’s Republic, students are given an incredible insight into the changes wrought upon China during this period. Key documents relating to the Chinese Maritime Customs service, from Robert Hart to Frederick Maze, are accessible and searchable alongside original reports of the Amherst and Macartney embassies. There are letters relating to the first Opium War, survivors descriptions of the Boxer War, and tantalising glimpses of life in China from the collected diaries and personal photographs of the Bowra family. There are also significant sources describing the lives and work of missionaries in China from 1869-1970, including extensive and fully searchable runs of missionary periodicals: The Chinese Recorder, Light and Life Magazine, The Land of Sinim: the North China Mission Quarterly Paper. In addition, this project offers over 400 colour paintings, maps and drawings by English and Chinese artists, as well as countless photographs, sketches and ephemeral items, depicting Chinese people, places, customs and events, and provides a striking visual accompaniment to the documentary images. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000579 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1894/07-1895/10 |
Introduction | 明治二十七八年戰爭(甲午戰爭),這是一場對近代東亞有重大影響的戰爭。甲午戰後的清朝國勢更加傾頹,無論面對國內外情勢,朝廷都顯得乏力應變。日本則在這場戰爭之後,躍升為軍事強國之一擠身列強之林,進而踏上帝國主義侵略之路。而臺灣則是依據中日馬關條約割讓於日本,臺灣住民雖然奮力抵抗,但仍無法與現代化配備的日本近衛師團對抗,從此成為日本統治下之殖民地。 《明治二十七八年戰爭陸海軍檔案》依據日本陸軍省、海軍省、參謀本部、外務省等政府部門所出版的資料編輯而成。明治二十七八年日清戰爭與臺灣乙未抗日戰爭,乃是百年前關係到臺灣命運轉折的戰爭,透過本資料庫電子書的呈現,希望能提供中日關係史與臺灣史研究者對甲午戰爭與乙未抗日運動有更加一層了解與應用。 資料庫收錄範圍以1894年7月間朝鮮外海日清豐島海戰開其端迄1895年10月日軍進入臺南城為止,期間所發生之陸海軍各戰役都包含於內,主題涵蓋陸海軍各戰役記實、後勤衛生補給記實、西洋各國駐軍事人員對日軍戰役之觀察報告、陸海軍各戰役之戰鬪圖、偵察戰圖、守備配置圖、相關地圖等,以及和議完成之後有關淡水福州間海底電線條約交涉之相關電文訓令等。 ※ 列印資料庫全文,請將影像寬度調為1000以上,列印出的全文會較清晰。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000010 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Bibliographies & Catalogs |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《ACROSS檔案資源整合查詢平台》為檔案管理局於民國98年所建置,將政府機關、民間團體處理業務產生之紀錄,以及由家庭或個人產生之私人紀錄進行整合。初期先以政府機關典藏之文書、圖像及照片資料為主,共11個機關29個資料庫,後續逐步擴大至影音、樂譜及電子文獻等其他類型檔案。 ACROSS採內容、時間、型態及機關等方式分類,說明如下: ● 依內容區分為官方檔案與民間文書; ● 依時間區分為中華民國(民國元年∼迄今)、日治時期(1895~1945)及明清時期(1895以前); ● 依檔案型態區分為圖像/照片及文書兩類; ● 依機關區分為中央研究院、國史館、台灣大學圖書館、國家圖書館、行政院文化建設委員會、高雄市立歷史博物館、新竹縣縣史館及檔案管理局,再依隸屬關係展延全部收錄機關及資料庫名稱。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
2014年6月起,內閣大庫資料庫團體用戶僅開放5台電腦使用,請至本館一樓資檢區 9 號電腦使用
※登入時,請點選"授權使用" 即可登入
id | DB000000390 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The archives of the Grand Secretariat currently housed at the Institute were originally kept at the Grand Secretariat Storehouse in the Ch’ing imperial palace. They were removed from the Storehouse when it underwent renovation in 1909. After the overthrow of the Ch’ing, these archives changed hands several times, and were, at one point, even sold to a paper recycling factory. Eventually, the Institute purchased them from Li Sheng-to, a book collector, in1929 thanks to the efforts of Fu Ssu-nien, the Institute’s first director. |
Remark | 2014年6月起,內閣大庫資料庫團體用戶僅開放5台電腦使用,請至本館一樓資檢區 9 號電腦使用 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000427 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 日記是個人逐日將自己感受、行事寫成文字保存而成,特殊性在於紀錄的是記主當日的告白,在時間上更貼近當下的心境,更保留了當事人當時的看法,並清楚呈現社會變遷的軌跡,反映記主所處時代的種種面向,是從事個人、家族史、經濟社會政治史研究的重要參考素材,因為屬於私人記錄性質,比正式的文件少了遮掩與修飾,也無意中記下許多正式文件所沒有的紀錄角度與軼事,藉由日記的第一手記錄,異於官方文獻制式說法,呈現平民百姓的多樣觀點。《台灣日記知識庫》目前收錄有17,895篇內容,2,744幅影像資料。 ※ 資料庫僅供學術研究之用。 |
Remark | ※第一次使用,請先申請個人專用帳號密碼 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000429 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《台灣史檔案資源系統》為中央研究院台灣史研究所建置,中研院台史所典藏的古文書與檔案資料為歷史研究珍貴的第一手來源,為有效管理與開放取用,遂建置一整合性資訊系統,以協助古文書實體及其數位內容的管理、典藏、檢索、描述與提供使用。 |
Remark | ※第一次使用,請先申請個人專用帳號密碼 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000454 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 明治29年8月-昭和20年10月(1896/8-1945110) |
Introduction | In 1895, The Qing Dynasty ceded Taiwan to Japan as part of the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki. In the same year, Japanese government appointed Kabayama Sukenori to be Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan and established Regulations of Japanese Taiwan Government (False). Sotokufu had power of military authority and civilian affairs, and became central government during Japanese Colonial Period. Communique of Taiwan Sotokufu was the major government gazette which published laws and decrees during 50 year of Japanese Colonial Period. Communique of Taiwan Sotokufu was not only an important source for research in colonial management, colonial business, law and military system, but also essentials of operations of legislation, executive, judicial during Japanese Colonial Period. ※ 連線進入後,點選"開始檢索",即可登入使用。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000498 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1844-1906 |
Introduction | The original microfilm was reproduced from 15 volumes of records that consisted, for the most part, of dispatches addressed to the Department of State from the United States Consulate at Amoy , China , between 1844 and 1906. These dispatches, with their enclosures, are arranged in chronological order with their contents registered on the first roll of microfilm. Within its jurisdiction, consular agencies at Tamsui, Keelung , Takao and Taiwanfoo, all located in Formosa. A large number of these consular dispatches are of a routine nature forwarded by the consul to the Department of State. Many of these are tables of consular fees received, arrivals and departures of American Vessels, trade statistics, and other data collected in the ordinary course of consular duty. In addition to this type of material, there are fairly detailed dispatches covering a wide range of subjects. Included among this material are: ◆ the expedition of 1867 lead by Rear Admiral Henry H. Bell, ◆ the agreement concluded in 1867 by Charles Le Gendre, American Consul at Amoy , with several of the aboriginal tribes for the protection of shipwrecked sailors, ◆ the Japanese punitive expedition of 1874 and ◆ the Japanese occupation in 1895. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000501 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《國史館臺灣文獻館數位典藏整合查詢系統》為國史館臺灣文獻館所建置,係針對其「臺灣省級機關檔案」、「臺灣省府委員會議檔案」、「臺灣鹽業檔案」、「臺灣總督府府報」、「臺灣總督府專賣局檔案」等子資料庫建置之整合性檢索資料庫平臺。各子資料庫介紹如下: |
Remark | ※如欲瀏覽全文影像,請先於該系統註冊會員帳號(免費註冊) |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001094 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Others |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Widespread Coverage for the Many Fields Within Anthropology Anthropology Plus is a broad and rich resource for education and research in anthropology and related fields. This database offers worldwide indexing of all core periodical and lesser-known journals from the 18th century to today, providing pervasive indexing of thousands of sources, including journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries. A Broad Range of Content in a Variety of Languages Anthropology Plus content is also updated with new records on a monthly basis and represents more than 50 foreign languages, including English, German, Romance languages, Slavic languages, and Asian languages if there are summaries in one of the indexed languages. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001088 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Others Image Video |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 整合中央研究院逾128萬筆珍貴數位資源、164個成果網站的「中央研究院數位典藏」入口網隆重上線!提供跨資料庫檢索服務,數位藏品森羅萬象,是社會大眾進入數位典藏世界的入門磚,亦是學術研究與各式應用的根底。 中國信史起源的殷墟甲骨文及青銅器、展示臺灣不同時期政權遞嬗多元的文書檔案、臺灣原住民族的口語傳說及田調資料、報導每個時代下人民生活實況的寫真集及新聞雜誌,加上極為豐富的魚貝類影像、臺灣特有種植物標本等,逾128萬筆數位藏品來自本院各所,皆為專業的研究資源,內容具權威性、正確性。 為讓使用者更易於獲得所需資料,「中央研究院數位典藏」網提供跨資料庫的檢索服務,並建置更符合現代人使用模式、更便利的檢索介面。使用者亦可於行動載具上瀏覽、操作。 |
※Access on trial until October 31, 2024
id | DB000194891 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Trial |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | direct URL to TSMC profile direct URL TO NVIDIA profile |
Introduction |
Remark | ※Access on trial until October 31, 2024 |
Subject | Generalities |
id | DB000183267 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Image Video audio and video Bibliographies & Catalogs E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Introduction | The Internet Archive is an American digital library founded on May 10, 1996, and chaired by free information advocate Brewster Kahle. It provides free access to collections of digitized materials including websites, software applications, music, audiovisual and print materials. The Archive is also an activist organization, advocating a free and open Internet. As of January 1, 2023, the Internet Archive holds more than 39 million print materials, 11.6 million pieces of audiovisual content, 2.6 million software programs, 15 million audio files, 4.7 million images, 251,000 concerts and over 832 billion web pages in its Wayback Machine. Their mission is to provide "universal access to all knowledge."[(From Wikipedia) |
Subject | Generalities |
id | DB000001091 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video Index/Abstract |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 此查詢系統係整合本館原「史料文物查詢系統」及「數位檔案檢索系統」兩系統,提供查詢本館典藏之檔案、史料及文物。 計有99個全宗,點入全宗名稱,如「蔣中正總統文物」(如附件),即可瞭解該全宗收錄的起迄年代; 本查詢系統近149萬筆目錄,各筆目錄均有明確標示提供之閱覽方式,說明如下: 如為「數位檔/線上閱覽」,毋須事先申請,點入後即可線上瀏覽或自行下載列印。 如為「數位檔/臺北閱覽室」,毋須事先申請,可於本館臺北閱覽室開放時間內(週一至週五,09:30~17:00,國定例假日不開放)到館閱覽。 如為「原件/新店閱覽室」,採事先預約原則,並開放7日內到館之預約,請於本館新店閱覽室開放時間內(週一至週五,09:30~16:30,國定例假日不開放)到館閱覽,紙本原件僅提供閱覽、抄錄或翻拍(請自備相機)。 如為「申請閱覽(尚未檢視)」,請先註冊帳號並以E-mail回傳個人身分證明文件影本,待帳號註冊成功後,再於線上提出申請,本館將針對所申請的檔案內容做檢視,依法遮蔽或抽離密件、個人資料等內容,第一批作業的回覆時間為15-30天。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |