Refine My Results
id | DB000000132 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The Encyclopedia of Polymer Science, 4th Edition, presents over 200 new and updated articles of this venerable online reference, including articles published in the second and third print editions, as well as brand new articles exclusive to the 4th edition. Updated quarterly with new and substantially revised articles, the online Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for researchers in both library and professional settings, providing information about polymers, plastics, fibers, biomaterials, elastomers, and polymerization processes. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000149 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Reference Books E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 1.Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) is the platform containing reference works in various subjects published by Cengage Learning – Gale and more than 40 other more publishers’ publications. The main sources are from the leading Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Guide Book, Series Titles and etc. The related areas are then from Arts, Biography, Business, Education, General Reference, History, Law, Literature, Multicultural Studies, Nation and World, Religion, Science to Social Science. 2.Taiwan Academic E-Books Consortium, TAEBC, has purchased two GVRL collections in 2009 as follows: A. Award Winners Collection (44 Titles / 240 Volumes) Collecting the best reference works of the years in different subjects, reviewed and evaluated by US reference organization or societies, such as RUSA, CHOICE, ALA, Booklist and etc. B. Social Reference Collection (214 Titles / 331 Volumes) Collecting the most reliable reference sources of Gale’s in social science, business, laws, political issues and economic phenomena. Taiwan Academic E-Books Consortium, TAEBC, has purchased more GVRL collections in 2010 as follows: Primary Collections in Literature and Social Science (19 Titles / 117 Volumes) Selecting more classic and valuable reference works in the fields of literature, arts, education, history and etc, which have made GVRL a more complete collection for research references. 3.Gale E-Books are offered as one-time-billing titles. No limit for concurrent users, page to print or times to download. It comes for full-text search through Basic Search, Advance Search or Subject Guide Search, presenting by HTML or PDF, no need to download/use different browser, as wish by the end-user. The user friendly interface makes Gale E-Books easy to locate information and the flexibility to store the results by personal demands. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
※Concurrent users : 20
id | DB000000153 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Reference Books E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 本資料庫提供《Grand Dictionnaire unviersel du 19e sicle》的電子版本,為人文科學領域重要之傳記及文獻彙編。 《Grand Dictionnaire universel du 19e sicle》由法國文法、辭典及百科編輯學者Pierre Larousse編纂,共包含17卷(tomes),將近26,300頁。 以內容而言,本字典涵蓋法語、詞源學、文法、諺語、史地、重要人物生平、神話、政治、史詩或小說人物、藝術…等領域,為研究文學、音樂、藝術作品相關學科所不可或缺之工具書。 1.國科會法語研究資源建置計畫 |
Remark | ※Concurrent users : 20 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000538 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 聯話和我們所熟知的詩話、詞話一致,都是談論作品的故事以及作家的軼事,品評作品的得失,聯話談論的對象便是楹聯。聯話的內容豐富,形式自由,是一種類似筆記,漫談式的論聯體制。 《聯話叢編》為龔聯壽主編、江西人民出版社出版,其理念效法前人編輯《歷代詩話》、《歷代詩話續編》、《清詩話》、《清詩話續編》、《詞話叢編》的理念,共收錄了明清至民國期間29家的37種聯話,提供了楹聯愛好者唐五代以來大量的聯語作品,解決了以往想要參考相關典籍卻匱乏難覓的情形。本書的編者也希望能夠在《聯話叢編》的問世之後,讓世人重視對聯文體,以冀有更多有識之士進入楹聯的學術研究,使得這一獨特的漢語言文化得以發揚光大,具體醞釀文化素養,並廣為運用於生活之中。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000544 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《漢籍電子文獻─瀚典全文檢索系統》為中央研究院所建置,為一中國古籍全文檢索系統。資料庫分為「漢籍電子文獻資料庫」及「近代史數位資料庫」二大部份。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000545 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 「漢籍全文資料庫計畫」的建置始於民國73年,為「史籍自動化」計畫的延伸,內容包括經、史、子、集四部,其中以史部為主,經、子、集部為輔。若以類別相屬,又可略分為宗教文獻、醫藥文獻、文學與文集、政書、類書與史料彙編等,累計收錄歷代典籍已達四百六十多種,三億五千八百萬字。 |
Remark | ※請點選「授權使用」進入 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000547 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 1.為方便讀者利用臺灣學術電子書聯盟共購共享之電子書,由師範大學圖書館所開發的電子書整合查詢介面。 2.目前總計採購了13種電子書資料庫,Cambridge Collections Online、CRCnetBASE電子書、Oxford Scholarship Online、Sage eReference、Siam Reference Collection、SpringerLink、MyiLibrary、Greenwood、IOS、NetLibrary、OVID、 Cambridge E-Books、Columbia University Press等2萬餘種電子書,學科範圍涵蓋各領域,整合查詢功能能幫您一次檢索不同資料庫裡的眾多電子書。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000550 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《遠景繁體中文電子書》收錄遠景出版事業公司所出版有關文學類(含中西文學)、歷史類、小說類 、藝術類 、傳奇類、傳記類等通俗書籍。使用上沒有同時使用人數的限制,並提供內文的全文檢索,可在網頁上直接顯示、列印。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000556 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《Li Dai Shi Hua(歷代詩話)》 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000161 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 提供綜合電子書,內容包含文學小說、宗教心靈、休閒生活、財經商管、語文學習有聲書等。 ※借書前,請先登入學校圖書館借閱證號,即使不在學校IP範圍,無須設定VPN,只要登入借閱證號即可,在校園IP範圍內可點選「隨借隨還」直接線上瀏覽。 |
Remark | 借書前,請先登入學校圖書館借閱證號,校園IP範圍內可點選「隨借隨還」直接線上瀏覽 ※Recommendation: Using Google Chrome Browser |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000164 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Bibliographies & Catalogs Index/Abstract E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Over 760,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 650,000 can be downloaded in full text! This site is part of a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics, RePEc. RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 67 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000174 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | User Guide |
Introduction | InfoSci-Books, created and named by the publisher IGI Global, include more than 1400 Information Technology and Computer Sciencee related ebooks with subjects covering Database Technologies, Education Technologies, E-Government, Intelligent Technologies, Knowledge Management, Medical, Multimedia Technologies, Security Technologies, Social Technologies, and Software Technologies. In 2014, Taiwan Academic Electronic Books Consortium purchased 139 InfoSci-Books titles. The full text is in HTML and PDF format and the save as, printing and copy-paste is unlimitedThe full text is in HTML and PDF format and the save as, printing and copy-paste is unlimited |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000183 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The subjects of the IOS Press ebooks include Assistive Technology Research, Artificial Intelligence, Administrative Sciences, NATO Security through Science Series, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, NATO Science Series, Urban & Architectural Engineering, Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Health Technology and Informatics and so forth. The full text is in PDF format and the platform provides browsing by subjects and titles so far (Searching will be available in near future). |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000203 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 來自瑞士的老字號出版社-Karger 醫學電子書Karger Books Collection 為Karger 醫學電子書的資料庫,涵蓋整個生物醫學範圍,內含超過40 個叢書系列,提供讀者在醫學研究和臨床實踐的最新發展,如腎臟病學的研究、呼吸道研究或運動醫學/科學的發展。 |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
id | DB000000205 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Reference Books E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 更新至2016 |
Introduction | The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances—including their properties, manufacturing, and uses. It also focuses on industrial processes and unit operations in chemical engineering, as well as covering fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Additionally, environmental and health issues concerning chemical technology are also addressed. Update to 2016. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
We recommend that you use IE 8 or above version browser for online reading and offline download reading.
id | DB000000208 | |
Type | Database | |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books | |
Language | Chinese | English |
Status | Subscription | |
Publisher | ||
Introduction | L&B數位圖書館是一套全方位的電子書資料庫,收錄近10萬冊中、西文電子圖書,主題內容包羅萬象。 |
Remark | We recommend that you use IE 8 or above version browser for online reading and offline download reading. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000224 | |
Type | Database | |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books | |
Language | Chinese | English |
Status | Subscription | |
Publisher | ||
Introduction | Introduction: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company dedicated to publish in the fields including architecture, electrical engineering, business administration, financial investment, medical science, social & natural science and many others is famous globally with her broad and deep and professional publishing. As the leading publishing company in the world, the academic publications from McGraw-Hill are mostly assigned to be the textbooks by the global colleges and universities, and we own the readers from all levels of academic institutions and professionals in the world. McGraw-Hill provides more than 800 e-book titles in foreign languages, and their features are as below: 1. The e-books in collections are academic and professional. Each title is in the pure e-file format, and its hard-disc occupation space is little. The context and charts of e-books can be copied in order to expand the utilization scope. 2. Behind the bibliography, our e-books also provide their content introduction and title index in order to easily make the users navigate rapidly and confirm the content. 3. In addition, the feature of unlimited multiple concurrent users to satisfy the readers’ demands and to save collection space in libraries and to decrease human resource cost of libraries and to ease library collections. |
Subject | Medicine 、 Business & Management 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000241 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | •offers an in-depth overview of all nanomaterials and their synthesis methods and nanoscale technologies and fabrication methods in materials science towards life sciences •covers the complete range of synthetic methods, tools and techniques being developed towards medical, biological, and cybernetic applications •reviews existing technologies as well as current developments •includes tailor-made nanomaterials with widespread new opportunities and application fields in biology, medicine, and pharmacy •provides essential awareness of life science applications to materials researchers and, vice versa, of the performance of nanomaterials to the life sciences in academia, fundamental research and industrial development, in fact, for all those interested in applying "nano thinking" in the life sciences |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000245 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Bookshelf provides free access to over 700 texts in life science and healthcare. A vital node in the data-rich resource network at NCBI, Bookshelf enables users to easily browse, retrieve, and read content, and spurs discovery of related information. |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000258 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Books@Ovid supports your research needs by combining classic and groundbreaking titles in a wide range of subject areas—including the world's largest online collection of core clinical texts—with the industry-leading search and discovery capabilities of the Ovid interface. |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
id | DB000000262 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Reference Books E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | User Guide |
Introduction | Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) offers access to thousands of academic works, in 20 subject areas across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. |
Subject | Generalities |
id | DB000000263 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Palgrave Connect offers the Palgrave Macmillan's complete ebook collection in Business & Management、Economics & Finance、History、Language & Linguistics, Literature & Performing Arts, Political & International Studies, Social & Cultural Studies, Religion & Philosophy. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000291 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | RSC(Royal Society of Chemistry )Books |
Subject | Medicine 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000296 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Reference Books E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | Knowledge base |
Introduction | SAGE Knowledge is the ultimate social sciences online library for students and researchers at all levels—undergraduates, post-graduates, teachers, and professors. With over 4,400 award-winning titles from SAGE Books (available to library users: 58 books), SAGE Reference, CQ Press, and Corwin, the platform offers an interdisciplinary social science book and reference titles published from 1994 to the current day with annual frontlist upgrades. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities |
ScienceDirect to cease support of Internet Explorer 9 on January 1, 2017
id | DB000000300 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 journals and almost 26,000 books.ScienceDirect is a part of Elsevier. Headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the company is the world's largest scientific, technical and medical information provider and publishes over 2,000 journals as well as books and secondary databases. |
Remark | ScienceDirect to cease support of Internet Explorer 9 on January 1, 2017 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering 、 Others |
id | DB000000310 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Since 1948 Survey has published the best international scholarship in English and many of its essays have become classics of Shakespeare criticism. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or play, or group of plays; each also contains a section of reviews of that year's textual and critical studies, and of the year's major British performances. The virtues of accessible scholarship and a keen interest in performance, from Shakespeare's time to our own, have characterised the journal from the start. The books are illustrated with a variety of Shakespearean images and production photographs. Shakespeare Survey Online makes all issues of the Survey, including over 90% of the original images, available online for the first time. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
*Authorization of download full-text is only for our subscribed journals, not all journals in the database.
id | DB000000313 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The mission of SIAM’s book program is to make relevant research results accessible to industry and science and to promote the interaction between mathematics and other disciplines such as engineering, science, and computing. *Authorization of download full-text is only for our subscribed journals, not all journals in the database. |
Remark | *Authorization of download full-text is only for our subscribed journals, not all journals in the database. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000318 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Coverage: Fulltext : books published in 1997-2019 Subscribed Ebook List |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering 、 Others |
id | DB000000323 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Taylor & Francis offers the world's premier Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Built Environment, STM and Law content — from renowned imprints such as Routledge, Psychology Press and Focal Press. Digital Right Management (DRM) limitation for a part of titles: Fulltexts are viewed by FileOpen reader(download and installation needed at first time).And concurrent 6 users per eBook. For each eBook, users can print 30 pages and copy-paste 10 pages when login. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000330 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy. NAP offers many titles in electronic Adobe PDF format. Hundreds of these books can be downloaded for free by the chapter or the entire book, while others are available for purchase. |
Subject | Life Science 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000342 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 更新至2016 |
Introduction | ULLMANN'S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistryis a state-of-the-art reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry. Subject areas include: inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology and biotechnological products, food chemistry, process engineering and unit operations, analytical methods, environmental protection, and many more. update to 2016. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000349 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a unique, comprehensive reference work that defines the entire discipline, bringing together the core knowledge from every one of the many specialties encompassed by electrical and electronics engineering. It is the ideal starting point for research projects, whether addressing basic questions in power systems and communications, or learning advanced applications in neural networks and robotics. In addition to electrical and electronics engineering applications, the Encyclopedia features important topics of interest to engineers, including: education; historical background of fields in electrical and electronics engineering; patents; technology and society; and computer and software engineering. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000351 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Wiley is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies. Wiley Online Library hosts the multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to articles from peer-reviewed journals, online books, and reference works, laboratory protocols and databases. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Medicine 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000353 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | User Guide |
Introduction | World Science and Technology Press (World Scientific Publishing Company) was founded in 1981 by two Nobel laureate, CN Yang and Abdus Salam. The company’s headquarter is located in Singapore, after nearly three decades of growth, it has became as one of the world's leading academic publishers and the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region. It now publishes more than 450 books and 125 journals a year in various fields of science, technology, medicine, business, economics and keep abreast of the latest scientific developments, provide the most popular information to the user. |
Subject | Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering 、 Others |
1.館內資檢區使用時,請利用8, 10-12號電腦,點選「開始」> 「程式集」 >「中國基本古籍庫」> 「客戶端應用程式」圖示,即可登入使用;館外使用則請依網頁說明下載及安裝執行程式!
id | DB000000375 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《中國基本古籍庫》分為4個子庫、20個大類和100個細目,共收錄上自先秦下迄民國的歷代名著和各學科基本文獻1萬餘種,每種均提供1個通行版本的數碼全文和1-2個珍貴版本的原版影像。總計收書16餘萬卷,版本12524多個,全文約17億字,影像1千餘萬頁。中國基本古籍庫於2012年10月進行更新時,更新內容包括: (1)增加重要典籍90種(為保持1萬餘種的總收書數不變,刪除非要籍或重複之書39種,並將原為一書後來拆分的80種典籍合併為29種)。 (2)增加珍本14個。 (3)投放第二批數字定本25種。 (4)更換原據版本18個。 |
Remark | 1.館內資檢區使用時,請利用8, 10-12號電腦,點選「開始」> 「程式集」 >「中國基本古籍庫」> 「客戶端應用程式」圖示,即可登入使用;館外使用則請依網頁說明下載及安裝執行程式! |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
※Concurrent users: 5
※ 館內資檢區使用時請利用8, 10-12號電腦
id | DB000000393 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《四庫全書》分為經、史、子、集四部,共四十四類、七十屬,內容涵蓋甚廣,包括哲學、歷史、文藝、政治、社會、經濟、軍事、法律、醫學、天文、地理、算學、生物學、農學、占卜等,是研究中華五千年歷史文化的重要文獻.其中包括很多為人熟識的經典著作,如:《論語》《春秋》《史記》《資治通鑑》《孫子兵法》《本草綱目》《陶淵明集》《文心雕龍》等等。 |
Remark | ※Concurrent users: 5 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000404 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 在戰亂及政權交替中,日治時期官方及坊間刊行的各種出版品面臨了毀損與保存不易等問題。為深化臺灣史研究,中央研究院臺灣史研究所透過研究人員薦購與各界人士贈送,積極徵集1950年以前出版的舊籍。且基於提升日治舊籍使用率,改善圖書典藏品質,於民國88年(1999)與臺灣分館協議合作典藏。由臺史所將「臺灣總督府圖書館」、「南方資料館」及臺灣省圖書館購藏帝大教授藏書,運至中研院典藏、整編與開放閱覽。民國93年(2004)臺史所參與數位典藏國家型科技計畫,將前述珍貴歷史文獻史料陸續數位典藏及建置「日治時期台灣研究古籍資料庫」,並於民國94年(2005)對外開放使用。 |
Remark | ※第一次使用,請先申請個人專用帳號密碼 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000407 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 國立中央圖書館臺灣分館(以下簡稱中央分館)典藏為數可觀的日治時期孤本圖書,包含產業、政治、經濟、社會、醫學、歷史、宗教等方面之圖書。這些圖書因歷時久遠,已不堪翻閱,因此中央分館將其中較重要者攝製為微捲,提供讀者利用。值此資訊化社會,為提高圖書館的服務效率及讀者利用的便利性,中央分館館進而將館藏日治時期圖書建立索引資料庫,使讀者能不受時空的限制,透過網際網路,可隨時利用本館珍貴的典藏。 「日治時期圖書全文影像系統」收錄許多重要圖書,例如《臺灣史料稿本》為臺灣總督府史料編纂委員會編纂完成之打字油印稿本,採編年體,自1895年至1919年逐月逐日編纂臺灣總督府重要施政紀要,並收錄《改隸前支那史料》、《臺灣史料雜纂》、《巴達維亞城日記》及《司令官雷爾生日記》(《司令官コルネレス・ライエルヤンの日誌》)等史料,乃是研究臺灣史不可或缺的基本資料。其他圖書主要為概要、綜論性及調查報告書等珍貴資料,目前約有3,700本圖書可線上檢索,並可瀏覽全文影像檔。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000422 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 「臺灣銀行經濟研究室」編印之「臺灣文獻叢刊」,選材經典,規模宏大,向為研究古臺灣最重要之文獻。本資料庫收錄民國45年以前之中文著作與檔案,其中大部分為明清兩代完成之著作,其次為日治時期與國民政府時期之政府檔案,少部分則為現代人之授權著作或譯作。詳細收錄內容請參考資料庫頁面收錄清單。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000426 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Numeric E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Taiwan Colonial Statistics Database (TCSD) The chief objective of the Taiwan Colonial Statistics Database lies in the preservation of official statistical records from the Japanese colonial period. It contains digitized materials mainly from the National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Library collections, including 684 volumes of Japanese colonial statistical records, 194,075 digital images, and 103,732 sets of metadata. There are 29 data categories in total, including law and law-related areas. The law data is further divided into “Police,” “Judicial,” and “Criminal Statistics.” These are primarily taken from Taiwan sōtokufu tokei shō 臺灣總督府統計書[Statistical Annual of the Government General of Taiwan] (1897-1942) , Taiwan sōtokufu hanzei tokei 臺灣總督府犯罪統計[Criminal Statistics of the Government General of Taiwan] (1911-1944), Taiwan sōtokufu keisatsu tokei shō臺灣總督府警察統計書[Book of Taiwan Government General Policing Statistics] (1933-1940), Keiji tokei hyo刑事統計表[Criminal Law Statistics] (1938-1941), and Shiho jimu kyosho hyo 司法事務集計表[Tabulated Tables of Judicial Affairs] (1918-1938). Other areas include: the household registration system, land, aboriginal affairs, education, sanitation, social welfare, organizations, shrines, temples and religion, monopoly, economic and industry, farming, sugar production, logging, mining, fishing, aquaculture, industry, commerce and financial trading business, finance and trade, financial policy, gross output, transportation, construction, military, meteorology, bureaucratic. Also included are other germane research topics such as Hansen’s Disease, the Losheng Sanitorium, opium policy, the Japanization movement(or the kominka movement), the contentious rice/sugar production policy. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000460 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | The existence of Daoist Canon bases upon the Ming Dynasty and compiled under the Zhengtong Emperor in 1445, therefore we called Zhengtong Daozang. Variety contents of Zhengtong Daozang include Astronomy, Fortune, Medicine, Divination, Fu Lu, Herb, Ritual, Philosophy and Dan Tao. Followed by eastern and western cultural exchange and social development, Zhengton Daozang also applied on areas of studies in Philosophy, History, Religion, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Medicine, Pharmacology, Public Health, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Science and Geography. |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000482 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 《東京大學東洋文化研究所所藏漢籍善本全文影像資料庫》收錄東京大學東洋文化研究所藏貴重圖書4630種(截至2009年3月),其中4019種可瀏覽全部的影像,611種則僅能瀏覽部分影像(特定機構才可瀏覽全部影像,請見資料庫介紹之說明)。使用時可依四部分類順序或書名筆劃順序瀏覽書籍清單,另外,也可輸入書名、內容分類、索書號等關鍵字來做檢索利用。 |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000000488 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 明治20年-大正15年 |
Introduction | 後藤新平出生於陸奧國膽澤郡塩釜村(今岩手縣奧州市水沢區),畢業於須賀川醫學校,後來進入內務省衛生局服務,之後到德國留學並取得醫學博士學位,回國後擔任衛生局長。 明治三十一年(1898年),擔任台灣民政局局長期間,由於兒玉總督長期不在台灣,因此後藤新平幾乎實際上掌握台灣所有行政事務。後藤以生物學原理為統治基礎,對台灣展開風俗舊慣、土地等調查工作,同時進行戶口普查及建立公共衛生與醫療制度,施行鴉片漸禁杜絕煙害,並施行一連串產業政策促進台灣農業、工業、教育、科學、交通等建設發展,奠定日本治台基礎。 後藤新平一生除了仕途順遂成功之外,也致力於傳播其對政治、公共衛生的經驗與學識,以及對民眾精神生活與社會思想改造的企圖。 《後藤新平著作選集電子書》收錄明治20年~大正15年後藤新平親身之著作、西洋書籍之譯作及受邀演講之演說筆記,內容可分為早期的一般衛生保健、國家衛生制度建立、到後期的政黨政治、官僚政治及社會思想改造等,以數位化的方式呈現,提供對後藤新平生平思想有興趣的學者及研究人員更進一步的參考。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities |