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請使用Google Chrome 瀏覽器; 本館訂購的遠景電子書187本書與五南電子書14本可調閱全部內文(由漫讀首頁本館館藏或右邊遠景個別庫連結),未訂購之書一律開放每本書前30頁碼供調閱且試用至永久
id | DB000000868 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | 『Man'Du漫讀』是一個整合眾多電子書的資料庫平台,內容包羅萬象,囊括各類出版社的作品,包含學術教科書的【五南】、公職證照類的【鼎文】、經典文學的【遠景】、電腦資訊類的【碁峰】、宗教哲學類 的 【全佛】,超過4,000冊的書籍。 |
Remark | 請使用Google Chrome 瀏覽器; 本館訂購的遠景電子書187本書與五南電子書14本可調閱全部內文(由漫讀首頁本館館藏或右邊遠景個別庫連結),未訂購之書一律開放每本書前30頁碼供調閱且試用至永久 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
Students and faculty can access the Materials Database by creating a free Personal Account. A Personal Account can offer certain benefits and advanced features. Account registration steps:
id | DB000000221 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Video |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Easy to use and encyclopedic in scope, the online Materials Database offers comprehensive information on each of the materials in Material Connexion Materials Library. |
Remark | Students and faculty can access the Materials Database by creating a free Personal Account. A Personal Account can offer certain benefits and advanced features. Account registration steps:
Subject | Art & Humanities 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000907 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1962- |
Introduction | The Materials Science & Engineering Collection provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more. The Copper Technical Reference Library and the renowned METADEX database are also included in the Materials Science & Engineering Collection. |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000223 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1940- |
Introduction | 由美國數學學會 (American Mathematical Society) 出版,收錄數學評論(Mathematical Reviews Database) 資料庫中的書目及評論 (Reviews),包含自1940 年以來的數學文獻。 國科會自然處委託數學中心圖書館(中研院數學所圖書館),為中心暨地區圖書館(含台大、中央、清大、交大、中興、中正、成大、中山、東華)購置圖書電子資源。自2000年起購置之數學電子資源,包含三大部份: I. American Mathematical Society (AMS) II. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics E-journals III. Springer LINK Mathematics Online Library 含MathSciNet資料庫及100多種電子期刊。( |
Remark | 相關連結: American Mathematical Society |
Subject | Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000927 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1940- |
Introduction | MathSciNet® is an electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are added each year, most of them classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification. Continuing in the tradition of the paper publication, Mathematical Reviews (MR), which was first published in 1940, expert reviewers are selected by a staff of professional mathematicians to write reviews of the current published literature; over 40,000 reviews are added to the database each year. |
id | DB000000224 | |
Type | Database | |
Resource Type | Fulltext E-Books | |
Language | Chinese | English |
Status | Subscription | |
Publisher | ||
Introduction | Introduction: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company dedicated to publish in the fields including architecture, electrical engineering, business administration, financial investment, medical science, social & natural science and many others is famous globally with her broad and deep and professional publishing. As the leading publishing company in the world, the academic publications from McGraw-Hill are mostly assigned to be the textbooks by the global colleges and universities, and we own the readers from all levels of academic institutions and professionals in the world. McGraw-Hill provides more than 800 e-book titles in foreign languages, and their features are as below: 1. The e-books in collections are academic and professional. Each title is in the pure e-file format, and its hard-disc occupation space is little. The context and charts of e-books can be copied in order to expand the utilization scope. 2. Behind the bibliography, our e-books also provide their content introduction and title index in order to easily make the users navigate rapidly and confirm the content. 3. In addition, the feature of unlimited multiple concurrent users to satisfy the readers’ demands and to save collection space in libraries and to decrease human resource cost of libraries and to ease library collections. |
Subject | Medicine 、 Business & Management 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000227 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1946- |
Introduction | MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine,nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. |
Subject | Life Science 、 Medicine |
id | DB000000228 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1946- |
Introduction | Ovid MEDLINE ® covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Information is indexed from approximately 5,000journals published world-wide. |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000229 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Medscape Reference is the most authoritative and accessible point-of-care medical reference available to physicians and other health care professionals on the Internet and via mobile devices. Three distinct references, the Medscape Condition Reference, the Medscape Procedure Reference, and the Medscape Drug Reference make up Medscape Reference. Together, they provide comprehensive coverage of all major topics in adult medicine, pediatric medicine, and surgery. |
Subject | Medicine |
1. Mendeley Institutional Edition has stopped service globally from March 2020, but users can keep free 2GB stroage. Saved bibliographic records will not be removed from Mendeley, but users can not add new bibliographies. .
2. If you would like to keep large storage continuously, you could pay for premium packages, or transfer your records to other bibliographic software, for example, EndNote..
Please refer to: Transferring records to EndNote from Mendeley Desktop
3. From 1 September 2022, users will no longer be able to download and install Mendeley Desktop software. Please replace to use the new version Mendeley Reference Manager. (More detail please refer to: this article)
id | DB000000602 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Bibliographic Management software |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | How To Use Mendeley 2024 (Including Web Importer & Cite) |
Introduction | 公開取用的免費文獻管理及研究社群軟體,可協助您 1.匯整從圖書館館藏目錄、資料庫、電子期刊、網路資源等管道蒐集而來的資料。 2.將蒐集到的資料便利地搜尋與分類管理。 3.與論文撰寫結合,簡化引用與撰寫參考文獻格式的作業。 4.將書目、全文、個人閱讀筆記等各種相關檔案作串連。 5.做為PDF全文線上閱讀軟體,支援個人highlight與註記。 6.具研究社群功能,方便將收集的資料與他人分享,甚至與其他Mendeley使用者建立文獻共享平台。 |
Remark | 1. Mendeley Institutional Edition has stopped service globally from March 2020, but users can keep free 2GB stroage. Saved bibliographic records will not be removed from Mendeley, but users can not add new bibliographies. . 3. From 1 September 2022, users will no longer be able to download and install Mendeley Desktop software. Please replace to use the new version Mendeley Reference Manager. (More detail please refer to: this article)
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
We thank to National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC) and Pilot Project for Nationwide Biomedical Data Commons which under Sustainable Platform for Big Data in Health(SPBDH) project for providing Database resources.
id | DB000136748 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Reference Books Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | Merck Index為英國皇家化學會RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry)所發行之綜合性百科全書,是化學與藥物開發領域重要的資料來源之一。Merck Index Online為其發行之線上版本全文資料庫,能幫助研究人員不受時間與空間的限制,透過網路可直接線上查詢各種化學物質、藥物和生物製品等相關資料。此資料庫為最新最完整的化學品、藥物和生理性物質的綜合性百科全書,包含物質各項名稱、結構式、物理特性、參考文獻與應用等。
使用規範本資源僅提供互動式查詢,請勿以程式化方法操作批次下載資料,以免影響其他用戶權益。 注意事項若用戶有違反使用規定之事項,本中心有權停止該用戶的使用權限。 致謝說明為使得科技部等主管單位能更具體了解國網中心資源運用之成效,用戶如有發表成果(期刊、研討會論文),懇請於成果內文之致謝(Acknowledgement)欄位中,註記使用本中心資源,並撥冗於iService網頁登錄成果,以做為能持續為您提供優質服務的重要依據。
Remark | We thank to National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC) and Pilot Project for Nationwide Biomedical Data Commons which under Sustainable Platform for Big Data in Health(SPBDH) project for providing Database resources. |
Subject | Medicine 、 Science & Engineering |
id | DB000000230 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Bibliographies & Catalogs |
Language | Chinese |
Status | Free |
Publisher | |
Introduction | MetaCat 為一分散式整合圖書館 WebPAC 之系統,其特色如下: 1.整合國內多所重要圖書館之館藏查詢系統。 2.可即時得知所需資料的借閱狀況,但查詢速度會受網路及各圖書館系統快慢之影響。 3.將各圖書館之 WebPAC 系統按館藏類型及地區分類。 4.可自行選擇多個圖書館整合查詢。 5.查詢結果依題名條列,並列出擁有此館藏之圖書館。 |
Subject | Social Science 、 Life Science 、 Art & Humanities 、 Business & Management 、 Generalities 、 Science & Engineering |
2016年起,Micromedex不再支援 Internet Explorer 8,請盡速將 IE 升級至 IE 9 或9以上版本。
id | DB000000233 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext Index/Abstract |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Attachment | App Installation |
Introduction | Thomson Reuters Micromedex solutions deliver evidence-based referential content for medication management, disease and condition management, toxicology, and patient education. The sub-databases NCKU subscribed include ((1)DRUGDEX System (2) IV Compatibility (3) Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference (4) POISINDEX System (5) REPRORISK System � (6) Interaction Checking (7) InfoButton access |
Remark | 2016年起,Micromedex不再支援 Internet Explorer 8,請盡速將 IE 升級至 IE 9 或9以上版本。 |
Subject | Medicine |
id | DB000000235 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Reference Books |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Introduction | MLA Directory of Periodicals 提供逾 7,100 種期刊的詳盡資訊,其中 4,400 種現在可從 International Bibliography 檢索連結。 詳細條目包括編者評論聯絡資訊以及出刊頻率、發行量、訂閱價格以及投稿指導原則。 EBSCOhost 為 EBSCO Publishing 公司於 1994 年所發展之線上資料庫檢索介面系統,主要提供 EBSCO 綜合學科、商管財經、生物醫護、人文歷史、法律等期刊之電子全文資料庫,以及部分索引摘要資料庫。 |
Remark | ※Concurrent users : 2 |
Subject | Others |
id | DB000001038 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Subscription |
Publisher | |
Eng Manual | Tutorials |
Attachment | Title List |
Introduction | The MLA International Bibliography covers scholarship in a broad range of Humanities disciplines related to global literatures and languages. Coverage includes materials published in more than 100 countries and in more than 50 languages, in the areas of literatures and languages from around the world. Content Includes The complete MLA International Bibliography: 2.8 million detailed bibliographic citations documenting the scholarly record from the early 20th century forward Indexing by the MLA’s staff of highly trained subject matter experts and by contributing scholars Access to the MLA Thesaurus and the Directory of Periodicals 1,000 full text journals: Many of the most-used journals in the MLA International Bibliography, such as Applied Linguistics, Critique, Comparative Literature, Renaissance Quarterly and College Composition & Communication 3-year backfile of the top 100 journals Extensive backfiles to Volume 1, Issue 1 for over 45 journals |
Subject | Art & Humanities |
id | DB000001129 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1800-1926 |
Introduction | 收錄1800~1926年共約21,000本法律、憲政相關的全文書籍,超過1,200萬頁的全文內容。這是一套關於英美法律論著收錄最完整的全文資料庫。85%的資料來源來自Harvard Law library,其餘來自美國Yale University、Columbia University等。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000326 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1800-1926 |
Introduction | 收錄1800~1926年共約21,000本法律、憲政相關的全文書籍,超過1,200萬頁的全文內容。這是一套關於英美法律論著收錄最完整的全文資料庫。85%的資料來源來自Harvard Law library,其餘來自美國Yale University、Columbia University等。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000001127 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1800-1926 |
Introduction | 收錄1600~1926年在美國、法國、英國震驚社會的審判。提供非官方的審判描述、官方審判文件、答辯摘要、論據、訴訟、管理行政的程序紀錄,還有仲裁實例。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000327 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1600-1926 |
Introduction | 收錄1600~1926年在美國、法國、英國震驚社會的審判。提供非官方的審判描述、官方審判文件、答辯摘要、論據、訴訟、管理行政的程序紀錄,還有仲裁實例。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000001128 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1832-1978 |
Introduction | 19-20世紀時期(140年間)最高法院的紀錄全面數位化典藏,收錄1832~1978年超過100,000件以上的案件、超過240,000份的文件量。可以在這裡找到最著名以及最多人討論的案件,判決及重大決策。能夠提供給從事美國法律歷史研究工作、和學習美國歷史、政治、社會政府的相關科系學生、還有開業、實習律師一個非常重要且方便的參考資源。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000000328 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | Fulltext |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1832-1978 |
Introduction | 19-20世紀時期(140年間)最高法院的紀錄全面數位化典藏,收錄1832~1978年超過100,000件以上的案件、超過240,000份的文件量。可以在這裡找到最著名以及最多人討論的案件,判決及重大決策。能夠提供給從事美國法律歷史研究工作、和學習美國歷史、政治、社會政府的相關科系學生、還有開業、實習律師一個非常重要且方便的參考資源。 |
Subject | Social Science |
id | DB000001126 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1450-1850 |
Introduction | The Making of the Modern World provides digital facsimile images of unique primary sources that track the development of the modern, western world through the lens of trade and wealth. Full-text searching across millions of pages of works from the period 1450-1850 provides researchers unparalleled access to this vast collection of material for research in the areas of history, political science, social conditions, technology and industry, economics, area studies and more. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Business & Management |
id | DB000000329 |
Type | Database |
Resource Type | E-Books |
Language | English |
Status | Free+ |
Publisher | |
Included years | 1450-1850 |
Introduction | "The Making of the Modern World: Goldsmiths'-Kress Library of Economic Literature 1450-1850" provides digital facsimile images on every page of 61,000 works of literature on economic and business published from 1450 through 1850. Full-text searching on more than 12 million pages provides researchers unparalleled access to this vast collection of material on commerce, finance, social conditions, politics, trade and transport. |
Subject | Social Science 、 Business & Management |